Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Scrabble players ... a must-see short film at this link:


I've emailed quite a few of you the link, but I'm blogging it as well! Thanks to Rebecca for the link (she always sends me the funniest links to short films!) I had to remind myself to breathe-in towards the end, I was laughing out loud so hard at this short Scrabble film, hahaha! :)

Sunday, November 19, 2006

wow... the Wii rocks! It's so active, it's going to change the entire way the world views videogames as being a stagnant experience (re: sitting and playing in comparison to Wii play, which is very physical!)

Kenny came in 2nd place at the Scrabble tournament we went to on the last weekend of October. I personally had a horrible batch of games... and don't even want to know what place I took, which was somewhere near the bottom of the list of players (I forget the exact number of players in our division, but it was quite a few.)

None the less, I had a fun time at the tournament, because it's always near Halloween, so I dress up each day in costume. Kenny shot some footage of me trying to fly with my fairy wings on... I almost wipe out, too! Kenny has footage of me running from the top of the hill, with a bunch of kids watching me, which is pretty funny. He said he wanted to put the two pieces together to the Benny Hill theme song, but here's a sneak preview:

I want to write some more blogs, but everybody here is yelling for me to come downstairs to check out the new Wii. So... I'm off the computer for a bit, as after I watch them play for a while, I have to go food shopping and get ready for some company we have coming over for a game of Scrabble later this afternoon.

Will try to put up the other pictures and videos and blogs later on tonight, or later this week.

Second up in the 'catching up on the blog' morning... we got a puppy! A little pug, it's so cute. I had tried to talk Kenny into adopting a one-eyed deaf pug I'd found on an animal adoption website, when he said he wanted a pug, but Kenny wanted a pug-regular. As it was, one of KC's friend's dog had just had a litter of over a dozen pugs (can you imagine?) and the price was fair, so we went with that.

Kenny named the pug "Joey." It's sorta like having another human at the house anyways, so a people-name instead of a pet-name fit the dog well. Joey purrs like a cat, and is already semi-housetrained. He pees outside and on his pee-pads (little pads you put out for small dogs to pee on), but he still craps all over the place. He doesn't have one set spot for taking a dump, he sorta spreads it around, like he's leaving little presents to hear the 'excitement' in the voice of the person who 'finds' it. Before the dog, if somebody in the house yelled "Shit!", we all came running to see what was wrong or if we could help with something. Now, when somebody yells the word "Shit!", we all start laughing, because it's meant literally, and usually that word is followed up with details about where the Joey-gift was found. "Joey took a dump right on my bed!" "Joey crapped under the table!" "There's 3 little nuggets in the bathroom!"

As I often goes barefoot or with just socks on around this place, I've stepped in dog doo about a dozen times already. Hopefully they will get the potty-training of the dog finished up by the end of the year.

I'm not much of a dog person... I love dogs, but mostly just other peoples' dogs. I prefer cats, who are just very independent, in comparison to dogs. But, Joey has grown on me and I really dig the little guy. On my computer chair I have a cloth that wraps around the seat area, and Joey has fashioned himself a hammock out of the lower portion, which I'll try to get a picture of at some point. When I'm at the computer, he is usually laying asleep in that cloth part that hangs down. He crawls right up inside of it, and snores away. All in all, he's very easy to care for, and not a destructive dog at all. He has a lot of chew toys, and he usually is pretty good about not chewing on us.

The funniest moments with the dog happen outside. He is still a puppy, and pugs have short little legs, so as he's running around, he'll clumsily tumble if he starts running too fast, which happens all the time. He also picks up things that are way too big for him, and that cause him to lose balance as he tries to run with it. He sniffs everything, although I often get the impression that he can't smell anything, because pugs have this sorta blocked-nose sound to them, and sneeze a lot.

Pugs are a great family dog... Joey doesn't seem to have gotten attached to anybody more than the others. He loves everyone.

Much as I didn't want to get a dog, I'm happy we got Joey.
I'm going to post a bunch of videos and pictures today, but each one will be a seperate blog. I'm far, far behind in blogging... hoping to catch up right now. So much has happened in the past few months that I've gotta go back to September in my video and picture folders here...

First up: Joe, a member of our cribbage club, who was just week's shy of his 94th birthday, came in first place at a cribbage tournament!

For some reason, my yankee drawl was heavy that night... :)

Joe's a fantastic card player. He was so excited to see the video I made of him that night. After I played it for him on my phone's little screen, it dawned on me that Joe maybe hadn't ever been shown this kinda technology before, because he looked incredibly stunned. I told him I'd be putting him up on the internet, which also made him smile ear-to-ear!

Friday, November 03, 2006

Next week I'll be doing a large amount of blogging, to catch you all up on the past, uh... month? I dunno how long it's been since I blogged, but I've been incredibly busy. I have a lot of great videos and other stuff to share!

In spite of being busy, I've been sporadically sharing emails with some guy in France for the past few weeks. Here's his latest email to me, along with my reply:

From: paulmartin koffy
To: Capri Camille
Date: Wed, 1 Nov 2006 11:56:16 +0100 (CET)

Dear Capri,
Thank you for your mail and for telling me your mind. To be honest with you, there will be no problems at all associated with this. If there is, i will be first affected because i am the initiator and i am here too.
Firstly you do not have to come here for anything. You do not have to send your passport or ID for anything. Also from the underground arrangement i made, everything will be done in the legitimate and official way and manner. The government here will make recommendation for the documents that will back the transfer. So just feel free with me.
I know both of us do not relate to the deaceased and i know somehow it is wrong, but instead of the government of this country to transfer the fund into its account as an unclaim fund, that is the reason i contacted you so that we will use the opportunity to enrich ourself.
After hearing from you, i will tell how to cantact our bank and what to tell them so that the fund will be released to you.
If you want to dail my number, just dail, +22508302675. Call me at any time.Remember to send your number to me.

Découvrez une nouvelle façon d'obtenir des réponses à toutes vos questions ! Profitez des connaissances, des opinions et des expériences des internautes sur Yahoo! Questions/Réponses.

Dear Paul,

I extend my apology for how long it has taken me to get back to you. It has been an unusually hard week. I learned of the deaths of numerous family and non-family members internationally, via emails like yours. While our email exchanges have been pleasant, this barrage of global catastrophe of the Camille family line has been brutal and I am pretty much inconsolable at this point.

Granted, I'll be a very wealthy woman after I call all the phone numbers, give bank info, and then book flights to all the countries my relatives (and non-relatives) have met their demise, in order to collect the unclaimed inheritances. But money can't change how devastating this catastrophic squishing out of the family blood line will be to the future generations on this planet. Ours is a great genetic coding, and now that DNA has been ripped from the breeding pool by all kinds of car crashes, train wrecks, natural deaths (although suspicious, if you ask me, I watch CSI and Cold Case!), fires and even a freak sandstorm in the plains of some place I can't even recall how to pronounce, nevermind spell. :(

Anyways, I'm going to need a few days to overcome my serious grief here... I wouldn't feel comfortable right now putting you at risk of being put in some foreign prison for the initiation of fraud on our collective behalf. I'm sure what goes on in your country's prisons is probably as scary and as crazy as it is here in my country. In America, those who commit fraud are often found shanked, with their own pillowcases shoved in their mouths, and blood pouring from their rectal region. Oddly, sometimes written in bum-blood on the prison walls is the word "SNOPES". It must be prison slang for "OWNED!" It's reported all the time in the news, Fred, google it.

I'll email you back when I feel ready to put you in that kind of jeapordy. As the money is a GIGANTIC AMOUNT, I'm sure it will eventually sway me to put my financial wants and needs above the risk of the safety of your flesh and genital region. :) Although, with all of the family deaths going on across the globe, apparently I am about to become richer than the guys who sold youtube to google.

Have a happy holiday season. I look forward, as I'm sure you do, to our eventual 'rolling around naked on a bed with piles of one hundred dollar bills flying about'. We're going to be super-duper rich, Paul! Hang in there while I weep for the Camille-lessened future of Earth. :(


p.s. if you have any good rum over there in France, why not ship me a case of it to celebrate our eventual good fortune? I'll pay you back, you know I'm good for the money!