Saturday, November 15, 2008

I've found that...

it's not unusual, on my street, in New Hampshire, to hear somebody fire up a chain saw at five thirty in the a.m.

that same sound, of a chain saw in the early a.m., would cause a lotta minds to wonder and worry, were it heard in, say, New Bedford, Massachusetts.

folks are trying so hard to figure out what is going wrong with their governments... but that is very hard to do in the complex, confusing and corrupt system that has evolved into a gigantic ball of goofy, unsustainable and falsely assumed 'responsibilities' that the government has taken on but absolutely can not handle.

that same government, when you get down to the nitty-gritty of its actual duties, as outlined in state and federal constitutions, is very concise, small and manageable in scope, size and responsibilities. It's not complex or confusing at all.

My dreams are back. I like how our minds work, and give us visuals as we sleep. Lately, since my father died, the dreams have been incredibly inspiring. Informative. Interesting. One dream, a week or two ago, I got to 'see' my dad again... I like when that happens. Makes it easier to cope with the loss of him here on Earth, in person. Dreams almost seem to be nature's way of helping us cope.

Those same dreams that inspire me also sometimes exhaust me - my brain is so tired!

I'm going through an obnoxious amount of printer ink lately... printing out all 50 state constitutions.

but... the price of that ink is money well spent. I learn so much per dollar of ink used.


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