Tuesday, December 02, 2008

More poetry from Paula Nancy Millstone Jennings:

What are you thinking, he asked
It's so fragile, she replied
What is, he inquired
Everything, she said and looked outside

The window of the vehicle
as they drove down Cape Cod roads
and he looked at big strong bridges
and thought of all her modes

It's a wonder it has lasted
but again, our time's so short
He knew of her reasonings and logic
but he gave her no retort

He only touched her hand
in inescapable agreement
she squeezed gently to acknowledge
she appreciated the appeasement

It wouldn't be until years later
as they heard of the new shore
that all they had then looked upon
was, as she said, no more

It's science, she had told him
not some spooky, creeped out gift
this universe is just silly
on a universal drift

He would walk with her to the edges
and watch her kneel down there and cry
and sure enough, just as she'd said
they most likely would survive

Though most have no way of knowing
she, in turn, just always had
she'd called it basic instinct
he called it 'possibly mad'

But now he knew for sure
although he rarely doubted, really
deep inside, he'd always known
what with her touchy feely

and her sudden bursts of genius
and her zany theories of man
and origins and galaxies
aliens, Iran

He touched upon her shoulders
It's so strong, he said, and paused
What is, she asked, and looked around
You are, he said, without understanding the laughter it would cause

I'm really not, she softly spoke
as some extra moons went by
I'm only here to observe, you know,
without really knowing why

There's times I think I think I know
and other times I don't
and times I think I maybe wish
the things I think just won't

And then there's times I want to sleep
because the tired is so thick
those are the times I awake at four
in the mornings, gone by so quick

When I said fragile, everything
I meant me, too, this is so brief
and full of moments, and full of love
but heavy, so heavy with grief

And in the end they got the start
she'd hoped the planet got
she'd written up the legacies
and secured a peaceful plot

With the crying done she then stood up
and got back on her feet
and hugged him for remaining there
upon her bumpy street

As now the future held its promise
of renewal and rebirth
and, as she'd suspected, and as she'd smiled
the meek did inherit the Earth

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