Saturday, November 15, 2008

I've found that...

it's not unusual, on my street, in New Hampshire, to hear somebody fire up a chain saw at five thirty in the a.m.

that same sound, of a chain saw in the early a.m., would cause a lotta minds to wonder and worry, were it heard in, say, New Bedford, Massachusetts.

folks are trying so hard to figure out what is going wrong with their governments... but that is very hard to do in the complex, confusing and corrupt system that has evolved into a gigantic ball of goofy, unsustainable and falsely assumed 'responsibilities' that the government has taken on but absolutely can not handle.

that same government, when you get down to the nitty-gritty of its actual duties, as outlined in state and federal constitutions, is very concise, small and manageable in scope, size and responsibilities. It's not complex or confusing at all.

My dreams are back. I like how our minds work, and give us visuals as we sleep. Lately, since my father died, the dreams have been incredibly inspiring. Informative. Interesting. One dream, a week or two ago, I got to 'see' my dad again... I like when that happens. Makes it easier to cope with the loss of him here on Earth, in person. Dreams almost seem to be nature's way of helping us cope.

Those same dreams that inspire me also sometimes exhaust me - my brain is so tired!

I'm going through an obnoxious amount of printer ink lately... printing out all 50 state constitutions.

but... the price of that ink is money well spent. I learn so much per dollar of ink used.


Monday, November 03, 2008

One of my favorite things about the day after Halloween is the sounds of Christmas music I like to put on from November 1st until early January... has a holiday section of music genres to choose from (under the 'more' button, accuholiday I think it's called) - I have an online buddy who also, like me, enjoys listening to Xmas music year 'round, now and then, sometimes even in the heat of summer (haha!) - there's something hopeful and peaceful about Xmas tunes... joyous and calming. I like doing paperwork or housework to music, and with the happy sounds of Xmas tunes jingling in the background, it just makes me feel like a little elf. :) That's my silly little random post for this great Monday.

Vote yes on Question 1, family and friends who are still in Massachusetts! Make it a really, really GREAT Xmas and New Year by voting to end wasteful spending by Beacon Hill - your government down there is so corrupt - there's so much to fix down there, but starting with ending the state income tax would be a positive first step, for sure.

Love to all of ya -

Saturday, November 01, 2008

random random...

I just noticed today that although I do not have a framed picture of my mother in this home, although I do have a picture of my other mom framed and placed where I can greet her every morning, above my computer area, to the left of my father's framed photo (and the framed photo of Gene, along with his autograph and the Board of Selectmen minutes when Gene posed a question to them), are the silk flowers my mother gave me almost 2 decades ago. I guess I really have forgiven her.

Sometimes folks mistaken thoughts or questions or answers as arrogant, when they aren't meant that way at all, and even when the ego takes a gigantic risk at making statements, revealing thoughts or asking certain questions. The risk is being thought of as arrogant and/or crazy. Some folks, I've found, don't mind being considered either.

I think I might be the only person alive to have a play list that has Son of Man's 'Verse 1' followed up by Elliot Smith's 'Say Yes' and then the theme from the Love Boat. Nobody that knows me would think that was weird of me, although they would find it weird, in general. I know other people exist (in droves) who have the same goofy taste in music genres, though. I'm not alone on that, I've found!

One of my favorite things to do with my incarcerated brother is to have him call up and then have me search youtube for him for songs he's not heard in decades - we pretty much figure that his first 2 months out of prison will be spent as a 'youtube addict' :)

The calendar I have for 2008 is one of my favorites ever - the pictures on it are a great colletion of interesting artwork, like November's 'Self Potrait as Revealed by Trash' where Tim Gaudreau, who just happens to live in New Hampshire as I now do, took photos of his trash every day for a year.

Every day I feel more and more alive and excited and full of clarity about where things are going, future wise. I'm positive, though, that things are going to get worse, nationally and globally, prior to things getting much, much better. It almost seems to be a part of things getting better, like an aspect of an equation that has to happen before human beings can conclude anything logical and compassionate.

The one thing I am recently livid about is John Adamn's exclusion of the unalienable/inalienable right to one's own charity and/or good will towards mankind. I guess what bothers me most is I know it must have come to his mind that it was a write that should be established in his writing with the Constitution of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, but I can't prove he knew - I only suspect it. If he'd done that, it would have clearly defined the one right that seperates as well as protects a Constitutional Republic from a Democracy (constitutional democracy or otherwise.) It is because of this conclusion I've come to that I am writing up a personal Constitution for myself that I intend to abide by personally. I know this sounds crazy. It probably sounds a little bit arrogant, too. It's not meant to be either, and I know a man who has spent decades with people thinking that about him, and he didn't mind either - and neither do I. Because I am positive that it's peaceful, I'm positive that it's logical and I am positive that I have no other choice but to abide by universal law, truth and my findings.

I have great pictures of the house that I hope to blog soon. :)