Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Somebody posted this picture on a forum I frequent, and I made it my computer monitor's background. Prior to the picture of the puffer-fish my background was a picture of the galaxy from the NASA website, also posted on a forum I frequent.

The person who posted the picture of the puffer-fish wondered why people would eat them... they are a cute fish, but being cute has never stopped a human from wanting to kill you and eat you. I was always under the impression that puffer-fish were poisonous, but after reading wikipedia (mostly accurate, mostly harmless...), I found out there are ways to eat puffer-fish without killing yourself (not that I plan to try puffer-fish in my lifetime.) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pufferfish

I love the picture of the puffer-fish... makes me smile. Freaked out my boys, when they saw it on my monitor, got us into a discussion about their puff-defense look compared to their really cute "Don't eat me!" look. Something else I didn't know about puffer-fish: if they are swallowed by a bigger fish, the puffer-fish can chew it's way out. Now THAT is a strong survival instinct and an incredible survival tool to have.

I remember many times in my life when I felt just like I was chewing myself outta the tummy of a predator. A few years ago, when a bunch of poop was going on, I felt like that. A big portion of my childhood felt like that. Now, aside from sad bumps in life, I feel like the happy, smiling puffer-fish... just swimming around the ocean. Swimming around, listening to this song:


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