Sunday, June 03, 2007

here's a sunshiney picture of me and my brothers... yellow shirts, brown pants, ahhhh... the 70s.

Nikki found this framed picture down in the cellar, in a box Tim had put together while sorting out radio equipment. Nikki immediately said "did you draw this, mom?"... I didn't remember drawing it, but it sure looked like something I would draw. I don't know how or why it ended up in a frame down in my dad's radio room, but my name is on it (although it doesn't look like my signature, I usually write 'Capri' in semi-cursive, but it is my type of drawing and it was my nickname.)

Some things I noticed that were so sad about the drawing... the face, the hands are balled up and seem to be in fists.

The drawing depresses me. I know I've felt that way in my lifetime, but I look at my life now and it's so positive and clear-headed; looking at that picture I drew reminds me that it has not always been a positive life.

I don't remember giving this picture to my father - he may have found it in my room after I left home at age 15 to get my own apartment. My name almost was cut off of it, probably to fit the frame.

I'm done with the photoalbums now. Next up is the reorganizing of the file cabinets and files... that's a project that will take a few years to actually finish. So many things to read. For now my aim is to just get them organized in order of importance- for the most part, my dad had everything very organized, I'm just doing the final organizing. Some things have to be continued and completed, like a great family tree and text-based/photo-based history of the family he had going, both offline and online. Thankfully, he left all passwords for me to access websites he was working on, so I won't have to start from scratch. That's been one of the buffers in all of this sadness... my dad left a lot of fun projects to do. The family tree is incredibly interesting. My goal is to spend this coming winter season of November 2007 - March 2008 reading everything my dad had filed, because this summer and autumn are going to be spent playing at the ponds and beaches, going geocaching, and basically trying to get back into the spirit of life, love and laughter.

Yesterday was a great start to that... we took the boys minigolfing and puttered around Cape Cod. :) Today is rainy, but a day indoors just relaxing will be nice.

With only a few more projects here at homebase to accomplish, and only a few projects left at dad's house to complete, by the time the boys get out of school on June 15th, I'll be ready to put on my sneakers and shorts and a tshirt and feel some sunshine on my face.

I've got my towel. :)
...and only 75 pages left of SLATFATF. Doug Adams is the best writer to have ever lived.

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