Sunday, September 03, 2006

An open RSVP to Adam Gadahn's "Invitation to Islam."

Dear Adam,

Thanks for the invite to your religion. Unfortunately, as an agnostic, I can not accept your invitation and must decline your invitation. Please understand that I also declined invites from Catholicism, Christianity, Buddhism and even Paganism. Satanism, Atheism and Jehova's Witnesses, too. And even some offbeat, obscure 'thought up while smoking pot' religions.

I have friends and even family members who worship various Gods, and all in all I find religion to be a decent way for some folks to guide themselves through life... I find your religion, Islam, to be a very peaceful religion, for those who do not stray from the peaceful message, and who accept, with logical and loving intent, those outside of their religion.

But I am unable to subscribe to your personal invite to Islam... It's nothing personal, and I wish you no ill will or harm, nor do I find your choice to worship any God you select to be a decision I should interfere with, nor would I force my own beliefs or even disbeliefs upon you. In fact, I can't think of a time in my life when I literally invited anybody to my religion (or lack thereof) of Agnosticism, although I have certainly discussed my beliefs with quite a few folks of varying beliefs, so your invitation, at first, appeared very sincere and graceful. I was also somewhat flattered, because you are kind of a hot looking guy. Something about you tells me you'd look mighty fine in a pair of jeans and a Rush concert t-shirt. Or a pair of Spongebob Squarepants boxer shorts. I'd hit it. (Praise Allah.)

However, your invitation then goes on to become somewhat, well, crappy in context. I'm not certain you represent the core of Islam, as most (actually, all, not just most) I know who follow Islam have never threatened me with harm in an attempt to get me to subscribe to their viewpoint with Islam.

I found that aspect of your invitation somewhat goofy. Kinda like being invited to a backyard BBQ or a wedding and the invite having a p.s. of "and if you don't come, there's a chance you will be killed, apologies in advance, but you brought this upon yourself by NOT COMING TO MY PARTY." It doesn't sound to me like you were inviting me to Islam... it sounded to me like you were requesting me to join an extremist group with a different interpretation of Islam... am I wrong?

Be frank with me, Adam. Don't invite me to a House-Warming party and have me actually being invited to show up at a Tupperware party, ya know, that's false advertising. Maybe I could use some plastic containers for my leftover spaghetti dinners. You never know.

I guess the most frightening aspect of your invitational threat is that you were and are actually serious. You are hanging out with people with actual plans and objectives, and you have become their spokesperson to all Americans. That's got to feel somewhat cool for you, maybe your video will even be up on soon, and not just some Islamic website that is not linked to on any of the major news websites here in America (such freakin' censorship...)

You will applaud and willingly embrace as 'good' the killing of any Agnostic, Atheist, Catholic, Pagan, Christian, Jehova's Witness, Buddhist, and even a follower of Islam itself, as you see all of this leading to the logically impossible: that every human being on this planet will follow Islam. Even if some of Islam faith die in the process...

And you, yourself, are willing to die trying to achieve the impossible.

I'm not willing to die for any God, Adam. I'm not even willing to LIVE for any God. I respect each religion as is, as long as those individuals following any religion don't step on my rights, or threaten my life, or the lives of those I love.

And I will continue to love and respect those of Islamic faith... but you do not fall into that category, Adam. Because you threatened to kill me and those I love if we refuse to follow your version of Islam. Dude... that ain't cool. You're being a cacahead about this... threatening folks. And it doesn't work.

So, respectfully, I decline your invite, and invite you to rethink your profoundly immoral invitation, as no amount of loopholes found in the extremist interpretations of the Koran would justify to Allah or any God the betrayal of peace and love, which is the foundation of each and every religion, at its core.

Again, thank you for the invite, but this party of one will not be attending.


Renee Camille

p.s. I forgive you. You may never forgive me or accept me and respect my life and my choices, but I forgive you, already, for sending me an 'invite' to your point of view riddled with threats. It was interesting... you certainly are an interesting character.

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