Monday, August 28, 2006

In NBC's defense, the plane crash spoof has no actual crash in it... Scene located HERE.

(clip found linked to on )

I woke up this morning and I guess the #1 story is that the Emmy show had a spoof of the show Lost as its opener. There's all this talk of insensitivity, callousness and shouts for somebody to get fired over it. But, if you watch the clip, there's no actual crash.

I live on the East coast, and I'd watched the news throughout the day yesterday, most of it was about the plane crash. Ironically enough, a friend of ours, who is an airplane pilot from a nearby airport, was at our home for the entire day, so pretty much all we talked about was what possibly could have gone wrong to cause a crash like the one that happened.

Still, I don't find the Emmy show's opener to be disturbing or even inappropriate, because there was no crash scene in the clip. Had there been one, maybe I'd feel differently, but I'm not so sure... because basically the people who were most effected personally by the plane crash (re: family members, friends of the victims) most likely were NOT watching the Emmy's last night. For those that the plane crash directly and personally created severe emotional anguish for, I doubt much television got watched at all, aside from perhaps the news, which, it should be noted, was one plane crash site scene after another.

Not to say we all, as a society, weren't saddened by the plane crash, but life went on and if you were lucky enough to not have somebody in your life on that plane that crashed, and if you were blessed enough to be able to cuddle up on the couch or lay down upon your bed in the comfort of your home to cap off the night with a few hours of watching awards being handed out to celebrities, I'm thinking you had already pretty much dealt with the way the plane crash made you feel, from a spectator point of view, not somebody whose entire life just drastically changed because of it.

For those who selected to watch the Emmy's, apparently the plane crash that did happen yesterday was not the type of event that made anybody change their television viewing plans, so to claim deep offense with the opener when you're watching the Emmy's to begin with is somewhat of a hypocritical stance.

What if there was no opening spoof involving a plane at all... the following day, for newspapers and tv shows to even mention who won what award at the Emmy's, wouldn't that also then be 'callous', as how could any of us have enjoyed any television show at all after the events of the plane crash? Wouldn't we all be considered 'shallow' to have even cared about who won what or have allowed ourselves to be entertained when we should all be in mourning?

Should every tv show get put on hold in the event that something incredibly sad happens in the news that day...? Should we feel consistently guilty and ashamed that we were not directly impacted to a serious extent by every major catastrophe that occurs in the USA or even globally?

The spoof was funny. I laughed, after watching it this morning, as I didn't watch the Emmy's last night. I went to bed early and had on the show "Cold Case" when I fell asleep (it was a good repeat episode, too, I'm pissed I fell asleep before the ending.)

Anyways... that's my thoughts on today's '#1 story'.

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