Sunday, August 27, 2006

We finally did it... our very first geocaching cache. :)
We put it in a park yesterday, and it was a perfect day to do it. The skies were clear, the gps unit was giving an accuracy reading of the best I've ever seen, at 14 feet.
I got some pictures of the park to document the placing of the cache, but then I forgot to take some pictures of it in the spot we picked :airhead: and also forgot to get some pictures of us there. It was me, KC and his friend Reid who put it in the spot we eventually decided upon. Winter only goes on some of the geocaching excursions, he said he's just not much into it. When he does go, he loves it, but it's getting him to want to go that is a bit tricky. I couldn't convince him this time, so he stayed home with Kenny (who was taking apart the pool, cuz the pump broke.)

I did remember to take some pictures of the cache itself, along with the contents inside. We started it off with a nice water splash ball and a squirty octopus thing, and a giraffe, and some paper-bags that can be used to put trash into (going along with the new idea established by some geocachers to clean up the area your cache is in/places you go geocaching at, to make geocachers and caches something parks want.)

It was great to put the cache out there for others to find. My writeup on it got approved this morning. Soon the log book in the cache will be filled up with names of people who have visited the park, and who got to visit the little spot we hid the cache at.
I have a friend in New York (HI, URGO! :waves:) who is going to start a travel bug with a destination of... our cache! That will be fun. :) KC wants to start his own travel bug, which we're working on.
I actually wanted to put this cache at an old stone bridge near my dad's house, but the boys insisted this first cache be closer to home, so we could keep an eye on it and take care of it on a regular basis, check on it after storms and such. Good reasons, so I agreed with them that we'd place it at a nearby park instead.
Today is a very laid-back do-nothin' kinda day. (Although I've done dishes and laundry, wrote out some checks for bills, but not much else.) We're just watching the news and working on the puzzle KC started on the kitchen island a few days ago (I'm addicted to that puzzle, he and I have gotten it almost done.) It's overcast and a cool 68 degrees outside... doesn't feel like August out there. Had an electric bill over $500.00 for last month, though, so believe me, I'm ok with cooler summer days right now. That's even more than it costs us to heat the house for one month in the coldest days of winter!
We're finished with most of the school shopping, except for clothes, but the boys don't need many new clothes anyways. They only requested new sneakers, so we got those already.
Nikki will probably be moving into her new apartment this December. Initially, she was going to move to the New Bedford area, but with a new love in her life, she's heading back to Cape Cod. It will be great to set up her new place, I can't wait to take her shopping for all the fun stuff, like towels, sheets and blankets, a toaster, blender and pots and pans. :) She's doing great at the school she's at and will continue on here for the remainder of credits.
Got a lot of wall painting ahead of me for the first few weeks of September, so this last week of August I'll be spending whatever rainy days there are prepping the walls around this computer area. On sunny days, we'll probably make a few 'last days of summer' excursions to Dennis Pond and Scargo Lake... unless it's very cool temps all week, like today. Today is not swimming weather... it's stay inside and make a puzzle weather, play around on the computer weather, cook something to warm up the house weather. :)
Private (not really) Message to Mark: put on your trillian, you game junkie! :p

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