Tuesday, August 15, 2006

I'm thinking about getting a tattoo. I don't have any at the moment. It's not really *my* idea to get one put on my body, either.

In the year I turn 40, 2008, just 2 years from now, my daughter will be turning 21 that same year. She wanted me to get a tat with her the year she turned 18, but her tat got put on hold/pause. She has been pestering me to get a tattoo with her, some kinda mother-daughter bonding thing or somethin'.

She already has her tat picked out, it's just wording and will be on the back of her neck. Much as I like tats on other folks, I didn't ever think I'd even consider one for me. For years and years she has begged me to do this mom/daughter tat thing, and I always had the same reply "I don't want any tats, chick." It was ok by me if that's what she wanted for herself, but for me? Nope... I'm just not into permanent ink.

But I could tell it was one of those things that for whatever reasons would really give my little chick a big happy in her heart, so I've been thinking about it.

Today, while cleaning, it hit me, when I was sorting out some markers and pens. The perfect tat for me. My daughter called, and I told her. What I figure is that on my big toe, on the underside of it, I want a simple smiley face. You know, two dots for eyes, one dot for a nose, and a half-circle of a smile. The kind you would draw on your finger (another place I considered having it done) with a felt-tip pen. I figure this won't cost a lot or even hurt (much), as it will be quick to do. It will also be in a place where nobody will ever see it, except for Kenny, my husband, and I envision having conversations with him as he watches ball games, my big toe doing commentary and/or asking him how his day went.

My daughter cracked up laughing, and said "I love you, mom!" It's the best compromise I could think of, cuz I know it would mean a lot to my kid, and I think it will kinda rock to have a smiley face on my big toe. I'm kinda excited about this.

2008... the year I get my very first (and last) tat. :)

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