Monday, September 04, 2006

Adam Gadahn's "An Invitation to Islam" video link:

Summary: you can choose to die as a believer or die as a disbeliever. Convert if you want to, but either way, you're dead, simply because you are here in America. Unless, and this is a HUGE and impossible 'unless', George Bush and all in government become followers of Islam.

Side note: something about his hand gestures, but most of all, his head tilts, suggests to me there's something insincere about this guy. I can't distinguish if it's an insincerity with what he is actually saying, or if it is an insincerity only realised upon and during the making of this video, literally while speaking the words, and recognizing the fact he is playing a role, as is Bush, to push forward an agenda that is neither righteous, respectable or loving towards mankind, at any level, to any extent.

Adam... seriously, get on that computer behind you in the video and do some reading, listen to what so many Americans are trying to do to stop the war, who respect TRUE followers of Islam, consider the fact that those you are working with are not concerned with your wellbeing or safety, either. You are preaching to the choir when you tell us Americans our government is corrupt, out of control and guilty of many crimes internationally, the majority of Americans have no problem admitting our government is facist and corrupt. But to tell us the only way out of that corruption is to embrace a religious belief that is NOT that of Islam, but an extremist interpretation of the Koran, you are requesting, no, DEMANDING that which you KNOW can not and will not happen.

You are not fooling Allah with this false invite to Islam... it is not an invitation to Islam at all. It is a declaration of an intent to take judgement and vengence within your own hands, without Allah himself requesting it of you, to murder as many disbelievers as you can until your own death. That is not the way of Islam. That is not the way of a peaceful man. That is not the way to lead people into any salvation.

That, Adam, is your one way ticket to the hell you speak of, should your Allah be the one God you hope created mankind.

Your Allah, as has every God in any religious testament, warned you not to follow false prophets, yet that is exactly what you are doing, not in the name of Allah, but in the name of the leaders of these extremists, who have now made you a leader as well, and perhaps that will make it hard for you to climb out of this unholy pit you have thrust yourself into, but you must seek out TRUE Muslims, TRUE followers of Islam, in order to SAVE YOURSELF from the very damnation you are threatening each American with.

This is not the way, Adam... you are being mislead. I hope many Muslims find a way to write to you, by any medium possible, to enlighten you and bring you back to the light of peace you have been manipulated away from.

My heart goes out to you, Adam, and to true followers of Islam, Muslims who unfortunately will be heartbroken to hear the words you spoke in this video with claims that it is that of Islam.

It is not that of Islam. You are only speaking for the equivalent of a group of serial killers.

Please seek out the billions of Muslims you speak about in the video, and listen to them instead... listen to and read what they write on blogs, message boards, and the like out here in cyberspace. You are NOT speaking for them, Adam. You are taking the religion of Islam and turning it into something ugly and cruel, frightening and demented.

Seek out true followers of peace. You are worshipping a false prophet.

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