Thursday, September 07, 2006

To all Sunni Muslims:

The extremists are using your religion again for violent purposes, directives and threats, and you must, as a collective, rise up and speak out against them. Very easy to do, out here on the internet.

Although not yet verified, if it is the words of Abu Hamza al-Muhajer, they are trying to use Islam to play 'Allah' and to have YOU play 'Allah' as well.

As this was posted on Al-Jezeera, it very well might be authentic:

"Oh followers of (Taliban leader) Mullah Mohammed Omar, oh sons of (Al-Qaeda leader) Osama bin Laden, oh disciples of (slain Al-Qaeda in Iraq leader) Abu Mussab al-Zarqawi ... I urge each of you to kill at least one American within a period not exceeding 15 days," Muhajer said.

Full text here:

If you are a TRUE Muslim, if you are truly followers of a religion of peace, if you have ever claimed your religion is one of peace, you must see the words of Muhajer as that of a FALSE PROPHET.

You are not followers of Mullah Mohammed Omar. You are followers of ISLAM. You are not sons of Osama bin Laden, you are sons of MUHAMMAD. You are not disciples of Abu Mussab al-Zarqawi... you are disciples of peace, are you not?

Do not let these terrorists take your religion and turn it into this. Look at what happened to the Catholic church when male priests were allowed for so long to molest and rape young boys... many people left that religion, because the church itself did nothing. Turned a blind eye, said nothing, did nothing. And that religion, just as peaceful as Islam, suffered for it. People will not seek out your religion in the large numbers they have if suddenly Islam means that you must kill one person each. If being a Muslim means you must murder another person whom has done nothing to you, whom even supports your religion and respects your right to worship Allah, how will you expect to find millions of people willing to do that?

Muslims ARE the embodiment of the church of Islam. You represent your God, your Allah, and you must, without fear, speak out and tell the extremists that they do not represent you. They are seperate from you. They use the words of Islam, that you do agree with, to get you to agree to things you know, in your heart, are wrong. That you know, in your mind, are wrong. These are false prophets. They are claiming for themselves the status of Muhhamad, of Islam itself, they are claiming YOU, as Muslims, as those who must now do as they say. Tell them you answer to noone but Muhhamad. Tell them you follow nothing but the words of Islam. Tell them that you are not disciples of death, but of life, hope and peace.

They are using you. They are asking you to each kill an American. Many Americans ARE Muslims. They are asking you to solve a political dispute using religious blackmail. They are asking you to go against Islam itself, to follow them, instead of Islam. To be lead by them, instead of by Muhhamad. To be commanded by hate, and not peaceful resolve.

Speak out against them. If you speak in the millions of numbers of individuals that you are, they will never be able to outnumber you or speak louder than you will.

And you must speak out that loudly, quickly, as Americans can not speak any louder than we already have in favor of freedom of religion, in favor of Islam, in defense of Muslims. Our voices are not enough. It must be your voices now.

These extremists are perhaps planning other dangerous things for citizens of America. America is very divided right now, politically. A lot of Americans are angry with their government and the way it does things globally. Weapons it sells. Wars it gets involved in. Money it funds various groups and leaders with. Americans are trying to get control back of their government, and are very close to getting that control back. Elections are in 2008 for national offices, but smaller state and town elections are taking place every year, and more and more people are voting in people that better represent the Americans. We're doing our part to get control of our government, now we need you, as Muslims, to get control of Islam back from extremists.

So that the two are exclusive of each other. So that one can think of a Muslim as a person of peace, and think of Extremists as a person of violent measures and unfair, immoral tactics.

So that one does not think of all Muslims as extremists.

With words alone, you can achieve this. As one voice, through writing, everywhere you can out here. Some are already doing just that, on a large internet gathering place called 'MySpace'. Please seek out these already-large in membership Muslim groups, followers of Islam, whom are already speaking out against the Taliban, Al-Qaeda, and Osama himself. They are the true Muslims. They are defending their religion peacefully, with words, and doing their best to see to it this reign of false prophets claiming to represent Islam and Muslims as a whole is not validated as such.

Do your part... search 'Islam' and 'Muslims' on MySpace. Join their groups. Speak out.

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