Monday, October 04, 2004

I have swamp-smelling ass gas and my stomach is on fucking fire and flipping around like it has come undone from whatever holds the tummy area in place. Spinning around and around in that pre-vomit crappy feeling, I googled and found out some damn belly-virus is going around Massachusetts. None the less, today I am painting the ceilings. If I throw up, so be it... the paint fumes will be good to cover up the fart scent that my butt has permeated the house with this morning. I have a little bucket I can keep under the ladder, and feel confident I could easily aim for it and just resume painting when the yak-up is through. I'm sick (heh) and tired of this ceiling getting delayed and I'll be gosh danged if some freakin' belly flu will stop me. I WANT HALLOWEEN DECORATIONS UP, Boooooo!... I need a spooky fix. I need some autumn fun and leaves and the smell of apples and cinnomin.

Amy and Ray's wedding was beautiful and comical and heart-grabbingly tear-flowingly extra-special perfect. I filmed the whole thing and should have a nice collage of scenes and stills put together by November... and it will be going online so I'll be sure to put a link to it here in my blog.

I hope to work this week on Billboard Sky and the Hooker and the Vet stories, and also to work on some other writing I've been meaning to get to but keep getting delayed on. I did get the new pictures up on the revamp of the cheesy family website.

My goal for this week is to take my mind off of things I can not currently effect/change and to focus on getting things in order here at the home as well as with the ideas jotted and not written yet. By the 9th of this month I intend to have gotten the strength to carry on the demand for a diagnosis, as there's no way to go any further without one. We can not go around in circles any longer; her most of all. We are all dizzy and exhausted and I will no longer expect the impossible from ourselves... we can't fix this. None of us, not even them, until we all know exactly what it is we're trying to fix/help/balance.

I am bringing her up some spooky deocrations and crafty, fun things to do... I think it will be a good way to help ease her mind, too, from trying to solve things herself. I think she and I both have been trying to fix things without knowing what exactly is wrong and odds are she is even more frustrated than I am with things. I will most likely drive up there tomorrow.

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