Monday, April 28, 2008

~A Former Agnostic Perspective~

A lot of Libertarians are atheists. Some are Christian. Some, like me, were/are agnostic (re: maybe, not sure, no conclusive evidence either way.)

One thing I never doubted, though, is the existance of a man named Jesus Christ. In fact, when I talk with atheists, they, too, have overwhelmingly agreed that a man named Jesus existed, and that the principles themselves are genius and flawless.

Which got me to thinking... what if God is just those principles?

What if that is the equation by which we all agree that liberty and freedom and individualism as well as collectively seeking out 'good will towards mankind' as being only possible via those principles?

P+A=L+F Principles and Action equals Liberty and Freedom

I think a lot of people have had the principles but forgot to 'act' upon them and with them. The principles also get... manipulated and twisted up. In government, in media, and... in churches, the very place that expresses to hold them the most dearly and sacred. I think they forget to hold up their decisions to the light of those principles, as we have done in government with our laws and our bills and our ammendments.

Why would atheists and agnostics come to the defense of the Constitution(s) of the USA so strongly, when it was written with the principles set forth in Christianity? Maybe it's because we ARE born with those principles - and no religion has dibs on those principles as those principles are seperate from any Earthly titles we want to give to them. Some Christians might think that their religion best adheres to the principles... but, as God and Jesus Christ themselves explained, those principles are in individual hearts and minds, they do not have to belong to a collective in order to exist.

Would God, or those principles, cease to exist should the entire planet Earth become atheists? NO. Those principles ARE God. The more I think about it, the more I think I've been wrong all along in my debates with and about God - he does exist, after all - and I have actually believed in him, had faith in him and honored him all along, too. Just not the bible version... not the tv version... not the version of him that I could not logically come to terms with.

God, not as a 'being' so much as a set of definite rules, laws, and logical guide to survival in a complex universe... that might be it. Not just a physical survival, but a mental and spiritual survival, even without a 'religion', one can abide by those principles and have complete 'faith' in those principles, and in essence, actually aknowledge the existance of God simply because they aknowledge the perfection of those principles.

God is perfect. He is those principles. They are flawless. They are common sense and logical.

If God is those principles, then I'll have to state, right now, that I do actually think God exists - not the God laid out in the Bible, as I think he got misrepresented there, but as those principles that are explained in the State and Federal Constitutions of the USA.

Life can not exist (for long) unless thoe principles (re: God) are adhered to and honored and ACTED upon - the principles are: don't lie, don't cheat, don't steal. Don't judge - not even those that break those principles - it's not your job. That is the job of God, those principles, the individual themselves. Your job is to lead by example, and to help folks back up, to re-embrace the principles, even when they have deviated from them. For their very survival - and for yours.

So there's my little mornin' ramble about how I came to terms with the fact I'm no longer Agnostic. I just don't have a religious sect or church to describe my relationship with God. It's personal.

Thank you, God - 40 years I struggled with this. Half way to 80, you decide to finally end the debate with your wisdom and good sense of humor & compassion. You win. Yep, I believe in you. Yep, I honor you. We're cool with each other now... there's no more debate. You are those principles. I love you. :)

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