Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Family and Friends...

Some of you have been asking me questions over these months about Ron Paul and my support of Ron Paul. Hopefully our discussions have given you the answers you sought. If there are any other questions you want answered, as always, feel free to email me or call me. If you want a long discussion, I will personally drive to wherever you want for whatever frame of time you need.

This presidential election means that much to me.

I wanted to explain why I support Ron Paul more at length. I can't even memorize all the reasons; there are that many reasons. So I am doing it here on my blog, as well as a copy of this going out to all of you in email.

There will come a time a few years from now, that should things not go the way they should, the way they must, this election, that you will ask of me "Why didn't you explain to me everything you knew and learned from your father and others, because if I'd known these things, I might have done more to promote and support Ron Paul."

I'm going to tell you those things now. I'm going to give you as much information as I can, and then you can research for more information if you want, or you can request a discussion with me or request more information from me via links, books to read, or whatever format you prefer (dvds, online videos, etc.)

I don't want any of you to think I let you down in this most important time in human history. If I don't appeal to the heart and mind of you, and literally beg of you to wake up to the facts... I will have failed each of you. My father, if he could, would have been writing this for himself, from himself, to you, if he could. It would have probably been better written and more concise, too, and with less spelling and grammatical errors. Hahaha. *groan*

It's because of my dad, after all, that this whole Ron Paul for President life-frame started for me (and Ron Paul's ideas are absolutely a solid foundation life-frame)... My dad's words to me to "keep an eye on Ron Paul" ... The way he pleaded with me, even after I jokingly told him that I doubted I'd have the spirit and energy to campaign for anybody, considering I was about to lose him, my dad, and how he tried to appeal to my logic the way I'm now going to try to appeal to each of you.

It is with much hope and much love that I write this... because I know the majority of you, if not all of you, are capable of sound logic, common sense reasoning, and there's not a person among you who would want to be duped the way you have been... by your own government(s). And you have been duped.

Firstly - you've been duped into believing the USA is supposed to be a 'Democracy.' We are actually the opposite of a Democracy - we are a Republic. A Constitutional Republic. Do this - I learned this in a film I watched last year: recite the pledge of allegiance in your head. Listen to the words: "I pledge allegiance, to the flag, of the United States of America... and to the Republic, for which it stands..."


Say it again.

"the United States of America... and to the REPUBLIC. FOR WHICH IT STANDS."

Republic. Republic - that is what we pledged allegiance to... not a Democracy. And well we shouldn't pledge allegiance to a Demcracy - the word "Democracy" ISN'T EVEN IN THE CONSTITUTION BECAUSE IT IS THE EXACT OPPOSITE OF LIBERTY AND FREEDOM! You've been fooled into thinking a Democracy is all peace and love and good will towards mankind, and it's NOT. Some of you are considering voting Democratic this year; please read the fine print on your candidate of choice's website. You may think they'll get us out of the war, but they will only rename it a 'transition' or a 'peace-keeping mission' or in some cases they will take the troops out of Iraq and put them into Afghanistan - so if ending the war is what you REALLY WANT, and if a financial plan to address Social Security and Medicare issues are what you REALLY WANT, please read the fine print on each candidate - because none of them plans to stop the BILLIONS in foreign aide, and other wasteful spending in government, or discontinue borrowing that is crippling future generations in a tax-slavery they will never be able to repay, no other candidate has a plan in order to be able to financially take care of our senior citizens and our war veterans without sinking us further into debt... and we've got a bunch of new permanently maimed war veterans now. And we'll continue to have more...

Ok, now, back to Democracy:

In a Democracy, majority rules, even if it is at the suffering of the minority. In a Constitutional Republic, the majority can not vote in something, even with a landslide of a majority vote, if it infringes upon the basic rights of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

By the way, the original wording was: All men are born free and equal, and have certain natural, essential and unalienable rights; among which may be reckoned the right of enjoying and defending their Lives and Liberties; that of acquiring, possessing, and protecting property; in fine, that of seeking and obtaining their safety and happiness.

Changed to Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness.. Property got taken out on the federal level - I wonder why?

Did you notice there's also a mention of actually enjoying your life and liberties? Our founding fathers were cool - life wasn't about suffering or sacrificing, it was about actually getting to enjoy life, liberty, property and happiness. What a 'radical' idea that is, eh?

What is liberty, anyways, you might wonder... I know I did. I knew all the other words, but when I tried to define Liberty... even though I love Scrabble and have that bathroom wallpapered in dictionary with definitions of words, here's a pretty shameful thing to admit: I had no idea what liberty meant. I mean, I kinda knew what it kinda meant... but trying to define it, with words... I couldn't. Maybe a few of you actually can... I couldn't.

Here's what it means:

LIBERTY: The condition of being free from restriction or control.

The right and power to act, believe, or express oneself in a manner of one's own choosing.

The condition of being physically and legally free from confinement, servitude, or forced labor.

Freedom from unjust or undue governmental control.

A right or immunity to engage in certain actions without control or interference: the liberties protected by the Bill of Rights.

These are such important definitions. Because what has happened to the United States of America has actually stripped us of the majority of our liberties. You may not recognize it in day to day life... until it is too late. Some of you have told me things about your town and local governments where it's pretty clear it already is becoming something you're aware of... look into it more.

The most important part of what I want each of you to know, and it's incredibly important that each of you look into it at your own pace, using resources you trust, in order to better understand why this election is SO IMPORTANT:

http://www.worldnetdaily.com/news/article.asp?ARTICLE_ID=58425 (taken from)

WASHINGTON – It started in 1952.

Nearly every person elected as president of the United States since then – and nearly every opponent – has belonged to a secretive, globalism-oriented organization known as the Council on Foreign Relations.

Some presidents and their challengers have belonged to additional clubs of internationalists – the Bilderberg Group and the Trilateral Commission. Running mates, too, more often than not have had ties to the groups.

That the groups exert enormous influence on public policy is indisputable. What is disputed is whether such groups are, as adherents and members argue, just discussion forums for movers and shakers, or, as critics have long alleged, secret societies shaping a new world order from behind the scenes. On that last point at least, no one could challenge the critics: All these groups operate in considerable secrecy, away from the scrutiny of the American public.

Regardless of how one characterizes them, the fact that virtually all presidents belong to the same secret clubs prompts the author of a new book to wonder if the 2008 election will also be a contest between globalist insiders. Judging from the list of frontrunners of each party, Daniel Estulin, author of "The True Story of the Bilderberg Group," may be on to something.

According to a variety of sources, the following presidential candidates are either members of one of the groups or have strong ties: Hillary Rodham Clinton, Rudy Giuliani, Mitt Romney, Barack Obama, John McCain, John Edwards, Fred Thompson, Joe Biden, Chris Dodd and Bill Richardson.

Mike Huckabee, though not a member, spoke to the CFR in September. Since then, his political star has risen to the point that he has become a top-tier candidate.

So often throughout recent history it has been the case.

Ever since Democrat Adlai Stevenson challenged Republican Dwight D. Eisenhower in 1952 and 1956, the odds have significantly favored those with membership in the elite groups.

In 1960, both John F. Kennedy and Richard M. Nixon were members.

In 1964, President Lyndon B. Johnson was not a member. Neither was his opponent, Barry Goldwater. But Johnson had already staffed his administration with plenty of insiders.

In 1968, it was Nixon versus club member Hubert H. Humphrey.

In 1972, it was Nixon again against Democratic Party CFR member George McGovern.

In 1976, it was CFR Republican Gerald Ford losing to CFR Democrat Jimmy Carter.

In 1980, Ronald Reagan was not a member, but his running mate, George H.W. Bush, was. So were both of his opponents – Carter and independent John Anderson. Assuming office, however, Reagan quickly named 313 CFR members to his team.

In 1984, another CFR member, Walter Mondale, was nominated by the Democratic Party to challenge Reagan.

In 1988, CFR member Bush took on CFR member Michael Dukakis.

In 1992, Bush was challenged by an obscure governor from Arkansas, Bill Clinton, who won the "trifecta" by being a member of the CFR, Trlateral Commission and Bilderberg Group. He was also a Rhodes scholar – another favored credential of the worldwide elite.

In 1996, Clinton was challenged by CFR member Bob Dole.

In 2000, CFR member Al Gore ran against non-member George W. Bush, but his running mate, Dick Cheney, was.

In 2004, Bush was challenged by CFR member John Kerry.

"David Rockefeller, whose family financed the CFR, is a common denominator among these parallel groups," writes Estulin. "Not only is he the CFR chairman emeritus, but he also continues to provide financial and personal support to the TC, CFR and Bilderberg Group."

What is the agenda behind these groups, which Estulin says are comprised of "self-interested elitists protecting their wealth and the investments of multinational banks and corporations in the growing world economy at the expense of developing nations and Third World countries"?

"The policies they develop," he writes, "benefit them as well as move us towards a one-world government."

Those questioning Estulin's conclusion as mere speculation need only recall organizational financer David Rockefeller's own words as recorded in his "Memoirs."

"Some even believe we are part of a secret cabal working against the best interests of the United States, characterizing my family and me as 'internationalists' and conspiring with others around the world to build a more integrated global political and economic structure – one world, if you will," he wrote. "If that's the charge, I stand guilty, and I am proud of it."

With regard to insider roles in recent U.S. presidential races, two of the most interesting were 1976 and 1992.

"In the spring of 1972, a high-profile group of men gathered for dinner with W. Averell Harriman, the grand old man of the Democratic Party, a Bilderberger and a member of the CFR," writes Estulin. "Also present were Milton Katz, a CFR member and director of international studies at Harvard, Robert Bowie, who would later become deputy director of the CIA, George Franklin, David Rockefeller's coordinator for the Trilateral Commission, and Gerald Smith, U.S. ambassador-at-large for non-proliferation matters. The focus of their discussion was the not-too-distant 1976 presidential elections. Harriman suggested that if the Democrats wanted to recapture the White House, "we had better get off our high horses and look at some of those southern governors." Several names cropped up. Among them were Ruben Askew, governor of Florida, and Terry Sanford, former governor of North Carolina and, at the time, president of Duke University."

Katz reportedly informed David Rockefeller of the viability of Jimmy Carter, then governor of Georgia. According to the author, he could be sold politically to the American people. At a dinner in London, recorded by the London Times, Rockefeller got acquainted with Carter and became convinced he could become the next U.S. president. Carter was invited to join the Trilateral Commission and quickly accepted.

Later, U.S. News and World Report would have this to say about the Carter administration: "The Trilateralists have taken charge of foreign policy-making in the Carter administration, and already the immense power they wield is sparking some controversy. Active or former members of the Trilateral Commission now head every key agency involved in mapping U.S. strategy for dealing with the rest of the world."

In 1992, Estulin concludes Bill Clinton was similarly "anointed" for the presidency at the 1991 Bilderberg Conference in Baden-Baden. Following the meeting, Clinton immediately took a trip to Russia to meet with Soviet Interior Minister Vadim Balatin, then serving Mikhail Gorbachev. Later, when Boris Yeltsin won the presidential election, Bakatin became the new chief of the KGB.

The meeting went unnoticed in most of the press, with the exception of the Arkansas Democrat, whose headline told the story: "Clinton has powerful buddy in U.S.S.R – New head of KGB."

And, for clarification, the wikipedia quotations section for David Rockefeller:


"For more than a century, ideological extremists at either end of the political spectrum have seized upon well-publicized incidents such as my encounter with Castro to attack the Rockefeller family for the inordinate influence they claim we wield over American political and economic institutions. Some even believe we are part of a secret cabal working against the best interests of the United States, characterizing my family and me as 'internationalists' and of conspiring with others around the world to build a more integrated global political and economic structure — one world, if you will. If that is the charge, I stand guilty, and I am proud of it." — From Rockefeller's "Memoirs", (p.405).

If any of you want me to buy you a copy of the Memoirs book so I can highlight where he said that and give it to you to see with your own eyes, I will be more than glad to do so. It may profit him and his family financially, to purchase the book, but I think the value to any of you who need to know for sure, to remove any doubt, would be worth the cost.

Perhaps some of you think there's nothing to worry about... the rich should rule the world. As long as they keep us all safe... but they aren't. Many will continue to die for profit, because when wars are being fought on falsely presented agendas, and companies and bank lenders make a killing at the expense of not only USA soldiers' lives, but the lives of many, many innocent civilians globally... we can not call ourselves safe.

We can not call ourselves humane. We can not call ourselves free.

We can not call ourselves logical and loving if we do not stand up for what is truly right, what each of us knows inside our hearts and minds, and rise up to this kind of corruption by simply voting on primary day for the one man willing to be our President, to assist us through the reconstruction of our own nation, and our own government, to get it back to the basics it was intended for, as a protector of rights, and to once again be a nation of the people, by the people and for the people.

If you were planning to vote for any member of the CFR, I beg of you to reconsider. If you need more discussion on this, please contact me.

There's an army, a peaceful army, of over two hundred thousand forming - all you have to do is vote. We will do the work of fixing the government. All we need is for you to vote for Ron Paul. The USA troops have donated more to Ron Paul than any other candidate running for president - so know you have our most honorable men and women behind your vote as well.

We CAN do this. The media is owned by these USA hijackers, so don't believe them when they tell you "Ron Paul can't win." HE CAN WIN. He just needs your vote.

I love all of you and I hope that everything I have told you makes you stronger, not afraid. I hope it empowers you, and doesn't leave you feeling overwhelmed. I hope it gives to you the determination and capability to rise up and simply do what you know is right. For yourself, for your children and grandchildren, for your country.

Vote with the facts this time. Read the fine print. Listen and learn and read... and research everything you read, to make sure you are getting the cold, hard facts.

I have much to talk about with all of you over the next few years. Some of it will have to wait, as this is step one. I'm keeping an eye on other things my dad told me to keep an eye out on. :)

We'll soon be moving to New Hampshire - we'll be down every other week to visit Massachusetts. The boys are very excited, and so are we.

Much love to all of ya. :hug:

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