Thursday, September 13, 2007

I've gotta retract something I said in an earlier post to my blog... it has not been a long, long time since we were offered the option of a great candidate for President of the USA - in the last election, I voted for Michael Badnarik. He's just as great as Ron Paul.

As both of them point out, consistently, the vital thing to recognize as a citizen is your state rights, your state responsibilities and duties as citizens to make sure your elected officials in government, who swear an oath to uphold the constitution OF THAT STATE, are following the constitution in each decision made, and that's where we, as a society, have been slacking.

We trusted and had faith instead of keeping an eye on things... we left that to other government officials... so now we're where we're at, and we've got a duty to vote for those who will begin the process of actually following the rules, the 'law of the land.' It's the only way to get things back on track, for ourselves, for our children, for our country, and even the world as can be seen by the amount of people from other countries shouting out "Ron Paul." They want us to be the beacon of hope again... because if we can't maintain that hope for them, what hope will they have?

They don't want to see our freedoms disappear anymore than we do - they mourn the loss of a once honest, fair, logical, honorable and glorious government run by the people. A republic, which upheld strict, outlined individual rights above the majority rule - we are not supposed to be a 'democracy', we aren't a democracy in the pledge of allegiance - "I pledge allegiance, to the flag, of the United States of America, and to THE REPUBLIC, FOR WHICH IT STANDS..." The importance of this is so vital, yet they don't even have stand-alone copies of the State Constitutions in most public libraries, not even in the reference section. And were you given a copy of your State Constitution in school, or just textbooks with short 'key' parts? Do you own a copy of your State's Constitution? In book format? It's available... but try to get one. You can't buy it at a bookstore...

I've been on quite a journey with trying to get book copies of the State Constitution for all Cape Cod libraries, as well as local homeschoolers, and at some point I'm going to blog about the journey I've been on for months (once I actually obtain what I am seeking). I'm amazed and astounded... so far it's been the most educational journey of my life, and my dad actually set me forth on this whole journey, in discussions had last year during a campaign he and I worked on, and then during the last six weeks of his life, where he brought up Ron Paul (this was before Ron Paul's official announcement... my dad knew he would run for president.)

My father's subscription to Ron Paul's Freedom Report, which kept coming in my dad's mail after my dad died, is what led me to a group of people wherein I met a very interesting, intelligent individual who had asked me a lot of questions I had no answers to... and I'm in the process of learning the answers first hand, and with amusement, calm determination, and a sense of honor to my father that has every moment spent learning more a profound way to remain, always, connected to my father's own legacy and political spirit, as well as my own (as we differed on a few political/social stances... though not many, and none at the end.)

It's now September and I can say this has been both the hardest, yet the most incredible, year of my life. I wish my father could be here to witness what's happening, but in so many ways... he is. I still cry sometimes when I think about how much he would have loved to be a part of this whole Ron Paul Revolution, but I carry him with me to every political event (in a necklace, ironically in the shape of a number 8, bought to hold some of my father's ashes, months before I decided to join the revolution) which I guess makes me a 'nut', to find sweet coincidence beautiful and inspiring, but I'm ok with that - I am a bit nutty sometimes. :)

Even if Ron Paul doesn't win the nomination - I won't be disheartened or negatively impacted, as this has been the most positive experience not only of this year, but of any other year, politically speaking. What Ron Paul did for so many is to wake them up outta a sleepy nap of political complacency and shook out their passion and sense of responsibility, and empowered them with the knowledge to move forward, no matter what, as this is not about Ron Paul himself, but about our country's ability to save itself - through simply following the Constitution(s).

Our founding fathers were geniuses... they even knew we'd get sleepy and nap our way through a bit. Wiping our eyes, looking around, it's a great day ahead. A great time to be alive. Because we're in that part of history where we actually get a chance to turn things around... the turning around happens no matter if Ron Paul gets the nomination or not, you can't unlearn what you already know, and we're incredibly lucky. Future generations will look back on this moment in time in cheerful smiles that we actually did stand up and think of them long before they were even here...

just as our founding fathers did for us!

I suspect, as people seek out the actual facts about Ron Paul's stance on various issues, and why he has the stances he does, that the numbers of supporters are going to continue to grow and I won't be shocked if he does get the nomination, because the internet has changed the ability of each person to read the facts for themselves and not to rely on past resources that have proven to be outright wrong an increasing portion of the time... this is why I think we're so lucky, as a society. To have individual access to truth and facts - that just makes the pre-internet 'impossible' now very, very POSSIBLE. :)

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