Sunday, September 23, 2007

The best part of this video is when Amylee gets on the table and kicks shit over to walk up real close to this guy, look him in the eye, and tell him straight to his face 'Fuck it and fuck you.' Ok, so she doesn't say that exactly, but still, it's implied :D I dig her walk on the table - that kinda confidence is powerful.

ever feel that way? There's so many areas in life where occasionally I want to kick down doors and tell somebody off... I usually get my 'calm, cool and collected' mode back, but oh man... just thinking about doing that (which I actually have done it a few times in my lifetime), makes me smile.

The reason doing that is so rare for most people is most situations don't need that kinda dramatic, intense response... and sometimes a quieter, fluffier response is even better and more productive (like in a court room or in areas of life where a 'fuck you' response could do more damage than good.)

But somebody I recently met did something like this recently, and it was perfectly timed and executed, and justified - and funny as all hell. I'll talk about it in April of 2008.

How doing that feels is actually shown pretty well in the video, in the part where Amylee floats after exclaiming "It's over." That kinda finalization, where you've stated your piece and you know it's done and that you're not going to have to deal with any of it anymore - it does feel like a huge burden off ya, and you do fly, in a way - your heart soars and your burdens are replaced with a helium-like feeling. A real 'letting shit go' kinda feeling & thinking.

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