Monday, August 27, 2007

I try to keep political names off my blog... but, well, today I am gonna do it:

Ron Paul is the only candidate who has stated he would stop ALL foreign 'aid' to other countries, which is why I'm voting for him. This video explains why we should NOT be getting involved in any other country's disputes via 'aid' of any kind:

Ron Paul also would bring our troops home immediately, and not just from Iraq... from everywhere. Enough is enough. End the nation building. Stop our 'leaders' from helping out BIG BUSINESSES with government-leader-ties from profitting under the guise of trying to force-feed 'democracy' to other nations... all in the name of the United States of America, which means each of us, as citizens, is responsible for what happens in the Presidential Election of 2008.

Register as a Republican, vote for Ron Paul in the Primaries, in Massachusetts the primaries are on March 4th of 2008. Please... don't let our leaders do this anymore. Ron Paul has global support... people from other countries are crying out to us, appealing to us to elect this man in order to be the beacon of hope we once were for the world:

This is the first time in a long, long time that we're being given such a golden opportunity to take our country back with a man who has a superb record as a congressman.

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