Thursday, June 08, 2006

Today I'm going to be driving a total of 7 hours... 1.5 hours to pick up my Noodle chick, 2 hours to get to an art show, 2 hours to get Noodle chick back to her school, and then 1.5 hours to get myself back home. I leave right after work in order to make it to the art show/book signing of Amy Kinney. This chick Amy is FANTASTIC. I think I've blogged about her work before, she is an inspiration to anyone who has been through depression.

I was worried about the lack of timeframe to play with on a weekday/school-day/work-day, but once I figured out it would be possible, my heart and mind got all happy. :) I've got some great cds to bring along for the drive. I'm excited about visiting the place the art show is being held, because it sounds like a place I'd like... lots of chocolate!

We'll grab a bite to eat while we're there, along with buying a copy (or two...) of Amy's autographed book.

Had an incredible day yesterday. Capped off the night with 8th place in a cribbage tournament. Got a go-go-go weekend coming up, a friend's bbq on Saturday, and a birthday party on Sunday. Next weekend is just as busy, heading to New York for our 13th anniversary to play some Scrabble at Washington Square Park. Busy weekends mean the back deck is on hold once again, but I think Kenny has plans to sneak in a few hours in between things of paint stripping. I am starting to think that back deck won't be done until August.

Might be moving this blog to myspace... not sure yet, but considering it. I like the setup here, but having everything on one website also appeals to me (less time needed, condensing it all into one place.) My Noodle chick had me get a myspace so she could share some things with me (photos, writing, etc)... my myspace is located here.

Off to work with me... just a quick drive-by bloggin'. :)

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