Saturday, April 01, 2006

I just noticed yesterday that I haven't been listening to music cds on my drive to work in weeks. I haven't been station-surfing, either. In fact, my radio dial has been on the same station for weeks, and it's an old radio station that recently got a revamp... seems to be a possible result of the onset of Sirius radio, which plays commercial free music.

The station is Frank FM, on 101.1 and 93.5, and they are currently in the course of playing 10,000 songs commercial free. When I first heard this said on the station, I thought it was a joke, as it was said right after a funny spoof on soap operas called "Falmouth Hospital". There are no commercials, but after a batch of songs, Frank FM has some funny Cape Cod spoofs on Frank himself being touted as a heavy drinker (if a Frank exists) and on Cape Cod in general. The Falmouth Hospital one had me laughing so hard I had to wipe my eyes. A bunch of cuss words were bleeped out and no R's were to be heard nor any G's at the end of 'ing' words, just the yankee drawl and a lot of swearing edited out. If you've ever been to a Cape Cod hospital, you know that spoof isn't far from the reality of how hospital staff talks behind the scenes when they've only got a curtain seperating them and you sitting out in the hall near the nurse's station. Another case of something being funny because it's true!

The music played is an excellent mix of 70s, 80s, 90s and 2000's hits. Everything from Carly Simon to the Doobie Brothers to Prince to Maroon 5.

The comedy in between batches of songs is what has kept me listening most, though. Whoever writes for that station is a comedy genius. When I'm driving around with Kenny and we have the Sirius radio on, it's usually on the comedy station lately... it's great to be driving along and laughing out loud. It must look so nutty, though, to folks who peek over at our van load and see a bunch of people laughing so hard... :)

This weekend is panning out to be warm and very outdoorsy. Tomorrow we're embarking on our first geocaching excursion of the year 2006, a revisit of the exit 6 one from last year, as we never found the cache. For more information on geocaching, visit here:

I found an excellent use for Google Earth. I recently went and took a screen save of my aunt's farm, cleaned it up on a photo-edit program and am printing out a copy on Kenny's printer (the best printer in the house, picture quality photos.) Then I'm framing it and giving it to my aunt... it's incredible how beautiful their farm is from an aerial view. It's spectacular to see from a land point of view, but from up in the sky, it just looks surreal. If you don't have Google Earth, go download it and type in your own address and see how incredible this program is... you will end up globe-trotting for hours. Visiting old places you used to live at, visiting friends and relatives, it's just amazing.

Also have to add one other thing here... I recently took a pregnancy test and, yep, the vasectomy Kenny got a little over a year ago didn't work. I'm knocked up again, can you believe it? Of course you don't believe it, because it's April 1st, which is April Fool's day, hahaha! Got ya! :)

I'm off to greet the day here... rain clouds are gently rollin' in, but my just planted seeds are awaiting the watering and the air is warm. Happy April... with showers to bring May flowers.

Almost forgot... here's the picture of my aunt and uncle's farm:

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