Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Placed fifth at the Scrabble tournament over the weekend. Kenny didn't do too well, but he was sick with some flu the whole time, and kept getting phonecalls from work. So many people I know have this cold/flu that is going around... some kind of sinus thing, really knocks you on your ass. Kenny was in bed at four p.m. yesterday afternoon, just watching movies and trying to rest off the illness. Chicken soup and grilled cheese, lots of liquids, and he's taking Tylenol for the fevers he got with it yesterday, as well as Nyquil. So far, nobody else in the house seems to be catching it, thank gosh! I've gone around each day with Lysol and given door knobs a quick spray. He seems to be feeling a little better today. Lasted about a week for him, some people have had a similiar virus for over 2 weeks, from what I've read in the news, so perhaps he just doesn't have the harsher strain going around.

Today I'm off to the office, a few stores, and then home to work on some paperwork and do a load of laundry. Feel a bit tired today, but I think it's because of the phonecall yesterday with the news that things have gotten a little bit out of sorts again. Hoping to see what I can do later on today to help things smooth out as much as possible. My brain is tired today, but my heart is wide awake. By this afternoon, hopefully I'll have thought up something to help the situation. Driving around always wakes up my mind.

We're heading to Las Vegas in under two weeks now... very, very, very happy and excited for the trip. Kenny's got work conferences during the day, but we'll have time to play throughout the visit. 4 days and 6 nights with Kenny in a place as interesting as Vegas is... hanging out with the inlaws while there, as they are flying up from Florida to meet us in Vegas. And... Paula Nancy Millstone Jennings and Marvin the Martian finally get to meet in person! :) After knowing somebody for 3 or 4 years, it's going to be amazing to be speaking with each other without the use of a keyboard or telephone. I love meeting people from online. Always have, always will. Brings alive the human element of out here... most call offline meetings 'irl', in real life, but it's my belief that everything out here is just a real as the person behind each monitor, and meeting people from online just solidifies my view of how alive cyberspace is with realness and life.

I'm going to toss on some makeup here and start my day... and down another cup of coffee to jog my head a bit more. Can't seem to get the gears going today ... will have to put on some music to help rev it up a bit.

almost forgot... had a great Halloween. We had a power outage for an hour, which made it all the more spooky. Kids got tons and tons of candy, and we ended up with a bunch more kids here than expected, but it went along very happily. I was pretty hot apple cider rummed up, in my goofy clown outfit. :)

Haven't had much time for online stuff lately, but in a few weeks things will get that winter-time calm atmosphere going and I'll have some days to catch up on my writing and playing. :)

So much more to write but gotta get going to get on with my day here...

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