Friday, November 04, 2005

I just re-read my previous post... I was feeling tired and out of it. No shock, I guess, that I did catch that flu and spent the past few days combatting it. Today I'm sore all over, and my head feels heavy, but I am up and showered and going to head out anyways. Won't shake hands, won't give hugs... I'm a walking virus. A walking virus with too much to do to be sick, but I think I can trick this sickness into thinking it's no match for the hyperactive chick-with-a-mission and work to do.

Even though this hyperactive chick-with-a-mission feels pretty dang un-hyper and in need of a nap at 7:45 a.m. ARGH! My right arm is killing me, too. My neck and upper back as well. Feels like something ran over me. This stinks, but I'd rather be sick this week than when we go to Vegas.

I also have a pimple on my chin that looks like Krakatoa! Speaking of which, we watched 'The Wave That Shook The World' last night, and it was awesome. If you want a good dvd to watch, this one is IT. Very informational and interesting. The kids loved it. Explained how and why the tsunami of 2004 happened, with an incredible timeline. Most of the footage I'd seen already online, but the scientific data was mindblowing. They watched the other dvd I got, too, Modern Marvels, The Cape Cod Canal, which my grandmother told me about some months ago. Both dvds can be ordered online; I suggest for both, although I only found one of them on that site and had to order the other one from the main website for it. Worth the money, though.

Man, I wish I could stay home and just watch both dvds again. :/ Ah well... I'm going to take it a bit easy this weekend, even though both days have plans and things I gotta do, will make sure to hit bed early both tonight and tomorrow night.

Feelin' like poop stinks.

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