Saturday, October 01, 2005

Happy October 1st! :O) Things have been going extraordinarily well here... all the hard work, determination, patience, logical and firm steps have led us, finally, to a road that makes sense. Granted, it took far too long to get to this point, but... we're coasting gently along on the hope, the achieved and the things set into place that make it possible to live day to day once more in a calm, rational and clear manner. I'm revamping the family website, which will reflect the past 2 years and what has now become a commitment for our family to help other families out who have experienced or are experiencing the same types of situations we found ourselves in. Expect many new links, new photos, outlines, timelines, what worked, what didn't work, how we made it through, and a host of other helpful tips, along with a good dose of humor. As I've been steadily working on things right along, but waiting for a time when I could discuss it without interfering in the process itself, I expect to have things updated soon.

I'm back at work, after a summer spent with the kids. The new job duties are going great so far, and I let two of the stores know I'd still be available for help covering shifts for call-ins, sick days and other emergencies, as well as for help with putting away orders. Being out on the field has been fun, and with autumn settling in has made for pretty drives. I'm really looking forward to all the driving around I'll be doing next week, and in spite of the high gas prices, I will most likely take 6A and route 28 to get to where I gotta go at a more sight-seeing pace. The highways are pretty, too, but 6A especially has some fantastic trees to gaze at.

Next week finalizes everything, as well, so it will be a really busy week, but such a good week... I'm still somewhat in a state of stun that it all finally came together. But a happy state of stun. :) And we're all very excited about how things worked out and what takes place now.

Perfect timing, too... a Scrabble tournament is coming up at the end of this month, and next month Kenny's going to Las Vegas for a few seminars, and I might be going, too. Kenny's dad and mom-2 want to meet up with us there. We're still working on the details of that. I'll know by the end of this week if I'm going to book a flight for me (Kenny already booked his.)

I got so much painting done this past week... we're not moving, as we had previously planned, so we've been working on getting this house in gear to spend the next 10+ years at, which is pretty much the same things we'd been gearing up to do in order to sell it, ironically enough. The boys are pestering me to put up Halloween stuff... if I finish the last of the painting this week, which is possible, we'll be decorating next weekend. I know they can't wait... and I'm anxious, too, to get out the pumpkin mugs and big ceiling spider. And, of course, the fog machine.

So many wonderful things coming up and coming our way... life is finally back on track. Still a journey ahead of us all, but at least now it all makes sense and isn't needlessly stressful (aside from the normal bumps in life).

Getting ready to finish putting summer stuff in the shed... only 2 or 3 things left to do out there in the yard. Probably will hit the cellar, too, to organize a bit more and maybe, just maybe, to poke around in the Halloween bins to put a few things up prior to next weekend. Can't do all of it, with the painting to be finished this week, but might be able to toss up a few boo-tacular items on the fireplace mantle.

In closing, of course, a poem for my friend Mark, written by the infamous Paula Nancy Millstone Jennings:

Tell me again
how you knew
don't panic
make it through

Tell me again
how we laughed
in spite of tears
and didn't crash

Tell me again
just one more time
gigantic hugs
in goofball rhyme

Tell me again
pinch my bum
we're not dreaming
this poem is done

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