Tuesday, May 10, 2005

One additional post to my blog this morning, before I get to the painting of the ceilings...

this is an email I sent out to an email group I belong to, after watching the news last night in a segment that spotlighted some more corruption found in the Department of Social Services:

Harry Spence, as usual, begged for more funding. Only in America can you request federal and state increases for NOT doing your job. With a four year old dead boy and a horrible audit that clearly outlines nobody is doing their jobs correctly, it's stunning to hear these pleas for more money when it's obvious the problems would increase if these agencies got another dime to further torment the families they proclaim they want to help keep united. I hope society has caught on to this blatant heart-strings tactic, and I hope they do not support any increases in funding when these agencies could do themselves a favor and stop targetting innocent parents in order to steal children and up their agency quotas, agendas and profits.

The use of 'private agencies' mentioned in the news piece was, in my opinion, one of the most damning aspects for Harry Spence... it's part of the blame-game these agencies like to play. They can shift the blame to everybody but themselves, point fingers, and create enough confusion about 'who is responsible', but the bottom line is a four year old kid is dead, money is unaccounted for, and paperwork is fraudulent and mishandled, lies and deception are snowballing, and the child protection racket is clearly getting a glaring spotlight that it so desperately needed. I hope the overhaul is quick and brutal... the sooner the better. Get rid of every unliscenced "social worker" (your work is neither social nor 'work', get a new title while you're at it), get rid of every unliscenced "therapist", and get rid of every single false attack on families that are more than capable of raising their own children.

To every 'child protection agency' member out there, lurking on this email group to get your 'gossip fill', to get a sadistic chuckle out of these families working so hard to figure out how to get their own children back in a system you have geared to work against them: your 'foster homes' foster nothing but addictions to medications, anxiety, fear and tremendous abuse, and sometimes DEATH. Your 'therapy' is fraud. Your 'services' aren't needed by the majority of those you coerce them upon. You think about that tonight when you're driving home with your ear pressed to your phone listening to the voice mails you never call back, of families begging to know what they should do to get their kids back, as you drive home to your own who look at you through eyes that say it all: 'how come your agency is all over the newspaper and news, and why didn't you let Dontel Jeffers go home with his grandmother?"

You think about every family you have ripped apart, and you keep in mind that your own children may one day meet and fall in love with one of these victims of your 'system'. Your own children will hear the truth about how your system operates. You keep in mind that your own children will one day come to YOU and ask YOU for the justification for the theft of other people's children. Your children read the newspaper, your children watch the news, your own children have eyes and will know what you have done. They will become adults, with their own children, and they will question your motives, your agency's agendas, and you may be able to ignore the media's questions, but you will not be able to ignore your own children asking those same questions. How are you, as a social worker, going to explain why 3/4 of children in foster care are on medications? How are you, as a social worker, going to explain the death of Dontel Jeffers? How are you, as a social worker, going to explain AIDS trial drugs, sexual and physical abuse in foster homes at higher rates than biological families, fraudulent paperwork and all of the other FACTS about your 'agency'? How are you going to convince your own child that you love and care for society's children when your own child will clearly see the levels of abusive, destructive and crippling 'services' your agency forced upon so many innocent families?

Do I sound a bit angry? You bet I am. And as a voter, I will be voting against any pay raises to any agency that professes one thing but consistently demonstrates another. Family reunfication? Your stats clearly show that is NOT your agenda.

If anything from this email group sticks to your mind and heart, I hope it is this: by the very fact you are reading this email in this email group shows you are underhanded and desire nothing more but to take pleasure in other people's suffering. This is an email group dedicated to getting the families to know their rights, and you better start questioning why you'd want to keep tabs on what they find out about THEIR RIGHTS. You better start questioning yourself, or have your own families disown you down the line, right around the time the families you pulled apart regroup and reunify once those you stole become adults themselves and can clearly see they were taken from their families for no good reasons. When the recognize they were just pawns in a scramble for federal and state funding. When the see the medications they were slammed with did harm to them.

The lot of you agency workers may think the parents you unfairly target are your hardest "opponents", but we are nothing compared to the backlash you are going to get from the children you hurt along the way. And more and more of them are speaking out.

And more and more of them are registering to vote. You might want to invest in more college courses at night class, as your jobs are on thinner ice than the families you force to iceskate for years through the court system.

And the entire lake is cracking. You hear it? That's the sound of justice. That's the sound of society warming up to the facts that your agencies are corrupt.

That's the sound of America. The truth is going to set America free from your criminal and unAmerican tactics. Society is getting smarter, society no longer falls for your propaganda. Society is going to see to it this stops.

Keep sending people like Harry Spence to speak for you on television; he is doing a great job of rhetoric. "We need more funding!" You don't need more funding. And you won't be getting any, either.

Renee Camille

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