Monday, May 30, 2005

I finished a list of things to do for June today, in between taking the kids to the park and making deviled eggs and grillin' chicken, and finally watching the season finale of CSI with KC and Kenny (the episode directed by Quentin T., I'd worked the night it was on so Kenny taped it. ) The list has 21 main things on it, with a dozen more semi-important things on it. Some of the stuff I can do two or three a day... other items on the list will take a good portion of the day to just complete one. June is going to be busy as heck!

Kenny said he can help with painting the trim on the windows and door areas. Although he's changed his mind about moving this year to a bigger house (which I'm relieved about, but also shocked... he's usually the kind of guy that just makes up his mind, it was strange to hear him say he'd changed it) , we are still spending this year finishing up the details from last year's kitchen renovation. It's a fact of life that once you redo one room in the house, you usually end up fixing up the rest of the areas to better fit the new and improved sections. Most of what we've been doing is painting, and as I'm home most days, I got this great paint sprayer to try out on the hallway walls that lead to the family room.

We also got some great paints for just five bucks a bucket (in the OOPS! section at Home Depot, colors that didn't come out right for customers purchasing made-to-order colored paints.) Some nice light grays and soft faded browns. Once all the painting is done, we're going to just have a calm, peaceful summer. About the only house *work* projects we'll have to do is weed the garden and mow the lawn, and the kids are pretty good about helping with the mowing.

I thought the Main Street festival on Thursdays in Hyannis was going to happen this year, but I'm being told through the grapevine that it has been cancelled. :( I'm going to see if I can find a weekly destination that is cheap and fun so that the kids have something that sorta ties their whole week together and gives their summer that kind of magic that the street festival did last year. One alternative I've thought of is the drivein theatre on Route Six. It's a nice drive and cheaper than going to the mall theatres.

Kenny heard that Foreigner is playing at the Barnstable Fair this summer... which is nice and ironic, as they are the band that has been consistently spotlighted throughout the story I've been writing (and having a hard time keeping up with monthly posts to it, nevermind the planned 'daily to weekly installments') called Billboard Sky. It will be so great to see the band if they do play this summer, considering I listen to them often when I'm writing that story.

While we were all outside today, I came across something fantastic... my strawberry patch... it's got a bucketload of baby strawberries already showing (still white, not red, and very little still.) A grubworm got to one of my cornstalks, but the other 3 are going ok. (I planted about two dozen corn seeds, but only 4 made it.) I don't seem to have much success with corn, yet. My snowpeas are going WILD! :) I have to put up string this week, and also get out there and weed a bit. Everything else is growing pretty good, the carrots look like they are going to be the size of elephant tusks! :eek:

It's midnight and I gotta get some sleep... how in the heck I'm still awake right now is beyond me. I'm usually hitting bed at nine or ten, but tonight... wide awake. I must be closing in on another one of those little-sleep-needed phases, which will be great for doing all those things on the list in June!

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