Thursday, April 14, 2005

Don't panic. Just 15 more days until Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy opens in the movie theatres. :)

Been a pretty incredible week here. As we expected, square one panned out to be exactly as we anticipated, but we're hanging in there and going along each day with the Don't Panic motto firmly embedded in our heads. School vacation is next week... we've got a few things planned so far. A fun jaunt to the local thrift store, a geocaching excursion, and a visit to the park. We also plan to head down to New Bedford to do an afternoon at the zoo with my sister and niece, as well as my friend Jodi and her son Ben. Hoping to swing by Anne's to see if she has a hat from the 1700's for KC's Colonial Day at school in the last week of April. There's also a huge clambake on Sunday at the farm, celebrating my Grandpa's 91st birthday. My aunt set up a cool remote-control-truck race track on her driveway (flags, banners and all) for Grandpa and his buddy to race the vehicles on. There's going to be a raffle and the winners will each get one of the remote control trucks. My aunt comes up with the best ideas for fun. Watching two guys in their 90s racing trucks on a driveway is going to be funny as all heck!

I got a phonecall a few days ago and received a copy of a letter in the mail from the caller a few days later. He reads this blog (waving hi, just in case he's still here). I emailed the person he sent me information on, haven't heard word back yet, but I got the impression he wanted me to get involved with this woman as an advocate to make sure the agencies I've been frustrated with get the overhaul they need. I just want him to know... I promise you I will do whatever I can to see to it that change happens. In any capacity I can, I will do my absolute best to keep on top of everything going on and to get the word out there. I also want you to know that who you work for showed up on my caller id, but that's between you and I. If you could call me back and let me know what exactly it is you do for your place of employment, I'd appreciate it. I'm curious to know, needless to say. If you can't divulge that, I understand.

In other good news, the family of Dontel Jeffers went to Beacon Hill to demand answers in the four year old's death while in the custody of the Department of Social Services which placed him in a 'specialized foster care' home run by a private agency called Mentor. Thankfully, those in power above and beyond that of the rinky-dink system goofballs are demanding to know why Dontel wasn't allowed to live with his grandmother in a more timely fashion. They are insisting answers be given to this family in regards to Dontel's death, seeing as Dontel will never be given back now. As of this time, the family doesn't even have a death certificate or the autopsy results. My concern, personally and in my opinion and speculation only, is that this child was most likely put on medications that his tiny body wasn't capable of handling. It perhaps played a role in his death, as his heart just stopped, after what appears to be a beating while the little guy was bound by his wrists and ankles. Whatever happened, it's safe to say that four year olds don't just drop dead, and shouldn't be dropping dead at hospitals after being brought in covered in bruises and busted up faces when those who are caring for him are garnering $1,500 tax free dollars per month, along with other benefits and a quarterly stipend.

With those kind of incentives, you'd think a single mom would be going out of her way to create a loving and safe environment. After all, while caring for Dontel and getting paid a nice sum to do it, she gets to be a stay at home mom for her own child (that the Department of Social Services let her continue to care for, even though other families have had their children ripped from them by child 'protection' agencies once under investigation for the death of a child).

And some families never get their other children back. But I guess if you work for any of these agencies, you are given immunity and your child is not considered 'at risk' unless you are proven guilty... which is exactly how they should treat other families but haven't and have a clear record of assuming guilt and destroying families in the process. The hypocrisy is glaring and enrages me to levels I feel inspired by to continue my own personal investigations into the complicated and multi-faceted aspects of federally and state funded 'programs' that have gotten so corrupt it almost must feel like working for the Mafia (which is why so many good social workers quit.)

It's my belief, based on some known ethics issues that have been reported in a few newspapers, that there's a tie-in with not only with DSS and the Department of Mental Health, but also with pharmeceutical companies, psychiatric hospitals and stock trades. Here's a few links somebody out there might want to consider as interesting and worthy of perhaps some investigating... I came across these after trying to figure out why some things were going on that seemed somewhat unexplicable:

Pembroke Hospital acquired by UHS.

Board of Directors.

Name one BOD.

Name two BOD.

Name three BOD.

Name four BOD.

Name five BOD.

Name six BOD.

Name seven is not listed on the same site as the others.

I'm not making any accusations, I only found it interesting and I thought it might make somebody else out there curious enough to figure out what it all means. When 2/3 of children in the care and custody of the state are on medications, and the increase began perhaps in conjunction with acquisitions of various companies and partnerships with agencies, as well as the utilizing of private agencies, maybe there's a connection. Maybe there's not, but the more I've poked around out here on the internet, there appears to be some interesting things going on. Even laws and bills in the process of being considered bring up a lot of questions about ethics in the 'care and protection of children' and what is 'in the child's best interest'. And parents could be forced by their school administration, or be threatened with the removal of their children from public schools, to 'treat' mental illnesses that aren't scientifically proven but are just given a verbal diagnosis and prescription.

I was going to wait until I had more to post all of this... but I think if anybody reading this helped me with the investigating, it would speed up the process of change. Please don't let this happen to America. If we work together, as my time input isn't near as much as I'd like to be able to, perhaps together we can make that difference. Email me what you find, and I'll post it.

Let's keep our children truly safe, and let's keep parents informed.

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