Tuesday, February 15, 2005

I have waited months for today. And now it's here. It's today. I am strong and centered. I am hopeful. I am ready. I'm calm. I know all this hard work and focus is going to now start a positive chain of events that will over-ride and overcome all of the unjustified negative we had to go through to get here. Now we will know, now we can go about our lives with direction. And with direction comes changes, and with direction there can be goals. With knowledge and understanding. We're prepared for whatever the final conclusion is.

I'm glad we took these steps. I'm so thankful to Barb for this, without her advice we would have been stuck in the not-sures for much longer. Once again, she has made our lives easier, given us a firmer ground to stand upon, reassured us that we could handle anything.

And she's always been right. Every time. I'm going to send her a thankyou card tomorrow and as soon as she gets back up this way, we'll all go out and celebrate the results of her good advice.

I love you, Barb.

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