Sunday, February 20, 2005

We've had a calm Sunday here... sipping some peppermint tea right now, kids are making icecream sundaes and have a friend sleeping over tonight, as there's no school next week. Small snowstorm hitting tomorrow, so far doesn't look like anything to be overly concerned about. Was supposed to work tonight, but the guy who wasn't sure he'd be back from New York is back. Had a great time last night at the Beyond The Embrace concert, all ages show with the kids. It's been a nice weekend.

Spent some time yesterday and today going over some issues that have to be resolved next week. I'm not sure anything will change, but we're at least going to do our best to inform a few people of what has taken place (and what hasn't taken place.) We're too focussed now on the reality of the situation, along with our own course in things to really care what any of the incompetent, uninformed, and careless agenda backwashes are planning or thinking. We know now that they will ignore advice from somebody way above their own leagues, and that perhaps was the most telling of just how flawed they are. They can be as stubborn as they want to now, we know we've got no power over that, we came to that conclusion a while ago. Now we view each mistake, each screwup, each event as additions to what will end up creating changes.

They are getting more brazen now, which is ok... we could get angry, but we won't, because it's actually gotten comical in a way, although we're not laughing.

We are allowing them to continue on their agendas, calmly focussed on our own truth and knowledge, with love and compassion they could never fathom, and the truth and knowledge that others know now, too. Documenting everything and allowing the true proffesionals to witness for themselves how things are with these screwballs. I think it's great they want to remove all doubt of their incompetence, not only with us, but with others far more powerful than we could ever be. They keep doing this, every step of the way. It's good to see them dorking it up so badly, from a strictly comedy standpoint. Somehow I didn't expect them to; I think I held out hope they were just waiting for word from the test results as much as we were, to better understand, to get the clarity. The clarification came; they just ignored it. Much as I hate to say it, they are doing us a big favor by continuing to screw up, after the fact. I'd rather they not screw up, but they made their choices. I've no idea why I'm as shocked as I am that they selected to continue on their paths of cluelessness and really, really, really bad decisions.

But, again, that will all end up working out for the best. Not for them, but it will be working out for the best.

I swear one day this entire blog will make sense. For now, it's going to go along as it is, until I can explain, in detail, everything going on here. It may be months. It may be years. When the time is right. For now, only close family members and friends are aware of the entire scope of things... and they support us, and for now we only desire feedback from them personally.

Tuesday, February 15, 2005

I have waited months for today. And now it's here. It's today. I am strong and centered. I am hopeful. I am ready. I'm calm. I know all this hard work and focus is going to now start a positive chain of events that will over-ride and overcome all of the unjustified negative we had to go through to get here. Now we will know, now we can go about our lives with direction. And with direction comes changes, and with direction there can be goals. With knowledge and understanding. We're prepared for whatever the final conclusion is.

I'm glad we took these steps. I'm so thankful to Barb for this, without her advice we would have been stuck in the not-sures for much longer. Once again, she has made our lives easier, given us a firmer ground to stand upon, reassured us that we could handle anything.

And she's always been right. Every time. I'm going to send her a thankyou card tomorrow and as soon as she gets back up this way, we'll all go out and celebrate the results of her good advice.

I love you, Barb.

Thursday, February 03, 2005

What a week... and it's only Thursday. I deleted my account over at the website the wedding video was at after a few random trolls from a website I frequent threatened to create all kinds of hassles for the website owner and myself. I have the video up at an undisclosed location(s) and will gladly share that addy with anybody who wants to view the wedding footage set to a beautiful song sung by Sarah McLachlan. From the emails, it appears that everybody that wanted to see it has seen it already and has it saved, so feel free to share it with whomever you want to... any emails from those I sent the link to whom would rather share the link to the websites that now host it can feel free to email me back and I will give that information to you. We'll just keep it more private and personal, as I already had my fun over at the website I frequent, riling up my trolls to no end... as most of you know, I had no intent to share the music video with anybody but those I emailed, but it turned into quite a funny par-for-the-course feeding frenzy over there at troll central, hahahaha.

I've been busy this week rendering the wedding footage to avi file, which took over 2 days to process... and at the very end, we got an error box, but from what we can see there is nothing wrong with the footage, so we're looking into making the dvds as soon as we have a few hours to sit down and make sure nothing went wrong with the rendering.

During the two + days of my computer being busy with the wedding footage, I spent a lot of time going through the house and coming up with ideas for small rearrangements. Our SuperBowl party is this Sunday, so I also spent time situating things for that. With over a foot of snow still covering our lawn, we were concerned about where everyone would park... then the weather channel offered us the solution: rain. Lots and lots of rain, throughout today and tonight. That will pretty much take care of the snow and parking. Thank gosh!

We went to Boston yesterday and continue to move forward with confidence, progress and a desire and willingness to get a better understanding of the situation. She is doing very well and also expresses a great desire and willingness to do whatever has to be done to better understand things. We only wish that others felt this same willingness, but we hope that in time things will become clearer and clearer to those who still seem lost in their own fogs of misperception, incompetency and lack of knowledge coupled with lack of willingness to learn. We only know our place in things, and we offer suggestions to those we feel would benefit from learning more about the situation... but in the end, it is up to them, and their choice. We can't force anybody who is inept for lack of their own expertise in an area to arm themselves with the facts to work more efficiently and with a greater understanding of what they are actually working with. We only have control over our own personal convictions and actions. And it is our hope that as we continue to brave this storm, we will succeed in helping not only those we aim to help, but perhaps set an example to anybody we ever meet who find themselves in this same boat. We sometimes feel we are in a calm part of the ocean now, understanding the situation and moving ahead to do what has to be done, looking back at those still caught in the turbulence and rough currents, trying to help guide them to where we are at, but unless those behind us are comfortable with listening (and a few of them are not) to those they consider 'below them' or 'without credentials', even when we are trying to guide them to the people with credentials who can best explain things, the very people who got us on a clearer and steadier course... there's not much else we can do but carry on with our own knowledge and understanding and proceed on our way to doing all that needs to be done.

We learned so much this week, found out things we did not know. Read some things that made us both laugh and also feel so angry at first, but then when we realized how easily lies can be proven false, we felt comforted in the knowing that our convictions grow stronger and their convictions, built on sand, will tumble when they hear from many that they were so very wrong. It's been one of the harsher parts of this journey... knowing that some people are not open and honest when we thought sure they were capable of it. When we thought sure they were intelligent enough to be objective and logical. Sadly, there aren't many in the system that are, at least not in this area. We have been lucky enough to get a few who do understand, who will go to bat for us at ballgames we aren't even attending (not even in the bleachers). It is their strength and continuing assistance that we are most thankful for... we would be overwhelmed without them there to support us. With the team up in Boston, our strength and hope grows stronger each day, and we try to allow the positives in all this calm us, when sometimes it can feel so very rocky and stormy. We keep saying "stay on track." and "stay on course." It can be so easy to get caught up in the emotional aspects of watching idiots (there's no nicer way to put this) bungle around without a clue when they have what power they do to really mess things up. Irreversibly, in some cases and situations. But we've decided to deal with that end of things once we get to the first destination... which has never changed for us and feels closer and closer each week that goes by now, rather than the whirpool of circles and impending hopelessness and stagnation we once were stuck in. Getting out of this area to find out what was really going on has been the best step we ever took. Sails at full mast. Sailing on...