Friday, January 21, 2005

I've still got that huge blog post about Florida on tap, but before I do that I've got to post about the cribbage tournament I went to this Wednesday... I won all 9 games, which is called a 'grand slam' in the cribbage world. So I not only came in first place, but I get a certificate from the National Cribbage Association and a shirt of some kind in a few weeks! Only a few other members of the tournament club I go to have ever won all 9 games to win the tournament, so I'm pretty stunned.

I'm listening to KC create music on this new system Kenny got for the band room. We also got a new edit system for the video footage... which is what I hope to do over the weekend, if all goes well (and it hasn't gone well today with the edit of the wedding footage at all. I keep running into massive problems with it.) Starting from scratch for the fourth time tomorrow. If it goes smoothly, I'm hoping to work on getting the pictures from Florida into cyberspace and a good, long blog post about it sometime this weekend. If it doesn't go smoothly, I'm planning to chuck my computer on the back porch to deal with the blizzard hitting tomorrow night.

A blog post about Florida will have to wait until the computer defrosts.

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