Tuesday, January 18, 2005

I've got a mammoth blog post coming up this weekend, I hope, covering our family's trip to Florida, with pictures... I also hope to touch lightly upon some feelings in regards to last week's visit to Boston. But before I can do any writing on those subjects, I've got to finish up a wedding video we've been working on for months now. We keep running into problems, but I'm hoping our latest 2-day workover has fixed the issue of file type. The finished product will be worth all this time and effort, that I'm sure of, but the time factor keeps getting longer, the problems more complicated... I've had to walk away from the computer at times, completely frustrated. After a few hours, I figure out a new possible way to fix things, but so far none of them have worked. Even with 2 twelve-hour days (this Sunday and Monday) spent putting footage back in, we continue to get various error messages. I'm pretty sure I can fix those errors today and begin the edit from scratch. My mind won't even allow me to fathom what I will do if I can not fix the errors, it's that conked out from this video, hahaha. :/ Aside from that, all is well, the weather is colder than all heck, and 2005 has been pretty excellent so far.

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