Monday, September 13, 2004

Randy Nebraska says:
I have an idea for a loophole.
Nifty Nebraska says:
ok, I like loopholes, toss it at me (overhand, not underhand)
Nifty Nebraska says:
actually, underhand it to me, my equalibrium is off today
Nifty Nebraska says:
I lost balance walking down the hallway
Nifty Nebraska says:
and sheryl crow is an amazing woman
Nifty Nebraska says:
I let her voice hold me up
Nifty Nebraska says:
'and I'll no longer be, in your mind, the difficult kind, cuz babe... I've changed'
Nifty Nebraska says:
ok, I'm cutting and pasting this im as my 'blog post'
Randy Nebraska says:
Jebus Allah Booda.... get up to take a shit and come back to a novella
Nifty Nebraska says:
Nifty Nebraska says:
Nifty Nebraska says:
can I put that into my blog, too? (I haven't done it yet, I'm sorta surfing the news here)
Nifty Nebraska says:
Yikes... freaking Ivan, what a 'cane
Nifty Nebraska says:
what was your loophole idea?
Nifty Nebraska says:
I was gonna just cut and paste this entire text chat of ramble as my blog entry
Randy Nebraska says:
Oh yeah, I need to learn to read. This entire chat? Sure,
Randy Nebraska says:
why not
Nifty Nebraska says:
with permission from you, of course
Nifty Nebraska says:
it's not like anybody knows who Randy Nebraska is
Nifty Nebraska says:
and even if they did... so?
Nifty Nebraska says:
it's not like we're breaking laws here
Nifty Nebraska says:
two goofy nuts just breaking up the stress of life with a little Nebraska

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