Saturday, September 11, 2004

nine eleven. When buildings and hearts become fragile and collapse. When loud cries and futile pleas get lost in mayhem and smoke. When plans and planes crash and burn, crash and burn, and years go by and the situation gets worse, not better.

How can things be more unresolved? How is it the risks feel bigger, the fear more a reality than a reaction?

There's got to be a push for more discussion, for more clarity, for more resolve. Things need to be addressed more clearly and firmly. It has to begin; online, maybe.

I live near an airport. A plane just flew overhead, the hum of engines reminding me of the first time I heard a plane fly after the air ban was lifted. The fear, the sadness, the anger that things had gotten to that point when they didn't have to get to that point. Seeing the faults of both sides, wondering why reason works with neither.

That morning was so crisp and brilliant. Sunshine. Clean blue to the sky. Leaves just starting to change color on the two trees in front of the house. Nothing can change those facts. That is how things were. That is how things were supposed to be.

I still can't believe all these years have gone by so quickly and offering so much time for resolution and justice, of any sort, but it feels like all this time has brought is more discourse, more uncertainty, more ... death. Some point to the fact there's been no further attacks on the USA soil; but that is not to suggest that Americans do not continue to die for this... and that other civilians in other countries do not continue to die for this.

What is this? A disagreement? A land dispute? A religious ideology debate where points can only be made through killing and body counts are adjectives used to express how strongly each side feels? Why can't this be expressed with words alone? Why can't this be resolved with verbal exchange? Which side is more incapable of compromise or logic? Is religious blindness any different than the blindness that is corruption of power? Aren't both sides guilty of not representing their societies and truly only interested in protecting their control over those societies and not the societies themselves?

If this could be broken down, piece by piece, in the most simplistic and basic of terms, with each side offering to step back and just review the logic of each stance, to consider each charge, to contemplate every idea for resolve and then to take the initiative to at the very least try... things could work out, smooth out, and eventually fade out into memories, lessons from history, times gone by. It will get to that point someday, so why not start the process now? Why wait for a few more generations of senseless revenge and counterattacks and pre-emptive strikes... why not demand change now? Why not demand that another day can not go by without a talk to begin the end of this?

Are the people in the highest of power globally really this incapable of basic problem solving?

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