Monday, May 24, 2004

I've been tooling around on the Blogger for a few hours, in between offline stuff... downloaded some "hello" im program that is supposed to enable one to post pictures to the blogs... completely frustrated, can't get that to work.

Also can't seem to find a way to set up the other blogs going the reverse way they are... I want the oldest posts to remain, and the newer ones to go under it. But I think the 'archiving' thing makes that impossible.

What I need is a thread-like setup. I'm tired of trying to figure it out, though. For some reason I thought it would be pretty simple and basic, but it's not... I'm thinking I'll just message Urgo later on and ask him if he can suggest a way to get things the way I want them for the two story sites. After that is figured out, I can just write... gsus, I could have been writing instead of trying to figure this crap out. :/

Aside from all that, it was a pretty calm day today. The boys were excited about the thunderstorm when they came home, thunder in the distance. Last night Winter ended up running into the room when the lightening strikes got too close and loud. Nikki worked on some Writing/Reading stuff, and June is going to be mainly a refresh course on Math. This week looks pretty gentle, on the calendar anyways... hope to get a lot of things done with the freelance ideas.

So much I haven't written about anywhere... sometimes I like to talk it out rather than write it out. Thank gosh for friends with patient ears. Like Barb. And Kenny, even though he falls asleep if I yap longer than twenty minutes, hahaha. :O)

I'm beat... gonna take a quick run around the house, straighten things up, see what the boys are up to with the RollerCoaster Tycoon park they built, and then message Urgo and at the very least solve the story pages issue, if it can be solved.

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