Thursday, May 13, 2004

Gsus... haven't had a spare 3 or 4 hour block to surf around this blog area to figure out a better set up... my boy KC got sick with a tummy flu and my dad swung by for some Scrabble games with me and The Kenny. Work, the garden, the media center, and trying to get the house situated for the inlaw visit next week has pretty much left me with an hour here and a half hour there.

I did notice a picture addition section, will quickly try that after this post. I think I might have caught the tummy virus my son had... I feel freakin' dizzy and flip-flop bellied. 3 Advil and two cups of coffee pounced on the dull headache I woke with, but nothing is removing the pit of doom feeling in my lower stomache. I'm hoping to use the power of my mind to stop the virus, right now I'm just forcing it out through my nostrils and ears. Yeh, I'm a little bit nuts, I believe in the scientific magic of positive thinking.

Been trying to find a place to download some Uncle Bonsai tunes... kaaza lite has only 2, and a coworker gave me a cassette tape insert from a very old tape called "Boys Want Sex in the Morning". The lyrics are great, and the one song I did hear (not one from that tape, an obscure one called Chubby Wanna Sundae) sounded good. Sort of like Girls Guitar Club. Lately I've been grooving on Japanese rock, old jazz, and some violent heavy metal, though, so the transistion is a little weird to the ears, hahaha. :O)

Got a junk load of errands to do today. With my boy KC home, I'm focussing on the paperwork this morning and hope to heck he's ok to drive around with later this afternoon. If not, I'll just wait until The Kenny comes home and can get the rest done this afternoon. Kinda wanted to get it all done during the day so I could hang out with The Kenny when he gets home from work.

So, the plan right now is to use this place as a sorta journal spot until I figure out the setup thing, then I'll be deleting all this and making a writing area better suited to what my mind wants.

Been getting letters from brother Billy in prison... crazier and crazier. :( I felt homocidal a few times the past few weeks, but mother's day does that to me. Got a letter from brother Ed in California, learned something I didn't know about a family member, and will be seeking the details on it, although it doesn't shock me and even though I'm sick of all the drama and headaches in this family, I am curious to know the facts on it.

My garden is kicking up some major sprouting. I have never been able to grow cantelope or green and red peppers... but this year, they sprouted and are looking hardy. I am pretty stunned, and just hoping the grub worms don't find these perfect little budders. The sunflowers are popping, as always, and the morning glories are starting to get their second tiers. Still waiting on the snow peas...

Just in case my sweetie pooks mutual-stalking buddy Xavier finds this website, I want to say... wet tshirt this summer for you, straight from the pool. Know what I'm sayin'? ;)

That's it for this mornin'... and a nice mornin' it is, even with the overcast skies and cooler temps. A great thinking and writing day, along with running around doing errands.

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