Saturday, January 24, 2009

Attention anti-war and anti-occupation Obama voters:

Four days into his title as President of the United States of America, your diplomatic and 'constitutional scholar' and 'not Bush' president authorized air strikes on Pakistan, killing 18 (copy and paste this into a seperate browser):

If you read that President Bush did that right prior to leaving office, what would you think? (or, better put, what would you 'feel'? *groan*)

While pushing for more transparency in the banking bailout funded by tax payers' money, he simultaneously has his own administration not be transparent about the air strikes:

Something is screwed up with Blogger this morning, I can't hypertext the links, so just copy and paste them so you can get informed about what is going on with your new president and his 'new' administration.

If you thought the wars and occupations were tough to swallow for the Bush years, imagine how unsavory they are going to taste in your mouth when rammed down your gullets with your 'end the war' candidate, Obama.

You got duped, he spoke a good game. But, you got swindled. His plans for wars and occupations are far, far more extensive than even John McCain's -

On the bright side - our monetary system is about to collapse, which will eventually end all of these atrocities against mankind, globally. Unfortunately, it will also put an end to prosperity for quite a while here in the good ol' USA - but we'll eventually get out of it, hopefully having learned to BETTER RESEARCH CANDIDATES BEFORE VOTING FOR THEM.

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