Saturday, October 04, 2008


It rained, every day, throughout this past week... it was as if the skies were gently crying the held back tears of every patriot, nationwide, as our government (and I use word 'our government' very loosely) went through a very incredible process.

I think most patriots knew, inside their hearts and minds, that the bailout bill would pass. Didn't stop any of us from trying to stop it, though... which is good. A testament to taking positive actions, doing what is right, even when you know the corruption is absolute. The win isn't in defeating the corruption - it is in positive actions, in spite of known corruption. It is in doing what you would do if the system wasn't corrupt... and that is what we did.

We remained positive and pro-active, even knowing the negative would be the likely conclusion. We played by the rules, knowing full well that those in 'power' do not follow any rules, do not even know the rules, and unfortunately for this nation, have had the rulebooks hidden from them quite ingeniously (re: state constitutions.)

Throughout it all, I had this personal calm deep inside, because I knew what my actions would be should it pass, but... I knew that what was happening to the USA was very chaotic, destructive and horribly manipulative and creepy. And I knew most citizens could 'feel' it, but could not understand it. They'd been taught, in schools, to feel more than to think - and their news media was pumping out conflicting and/or inaccurate information to them once again, as they do with everything. The resulting confusion left most people just going about life wondering what it all meant. But they knew, and voiced, opposition to the bill - based on raw instinct, which in this case was the right response.

In the end, what became clear, or what should have become very clear ... the Republic we have is in crisis, and the facade of 'democracy', now revealed as a fraud, should wake up many more United States of America citizens to the trouble their freedom and liberty are in, at least in functional terms. Freedom and Liberty can never actually be 'destroyed' - the concepts remain, even if they are trampled upon, ignored, and/or not understood at all.

Your 'democracy' is a lie - you have no representation in your federal administration, and you have none in your congress or senate, either. If democracy were true of your form of government, the majority of USA citizens were against the bailout bill... yet, it passed. Did you get a phonecall or letter from your Senator or congress member asking you what you, as a constituent, thought of the bailout? They got calls from constituents - at a ratio of astounding levels against it. And yet, representing YOU, representing WE, THE PEOPLE, who were against it as a majority, they passed it. How's the majority rule working out? How about simple representation? IT IS A LIE! There is, no longer, representation - and there NEVER was democracy, as we were never built upon the unconstitutional premise of a Democracy. Mob rule is not what this nation was founded upon. In this case, ironically enough, mob rule would have been constitutional, with a no vote on the bailout bill... but in most cases, mob rule is unjust, especially on federal levels.

New Hampshire voters might want to note that both McCain and Obama were for this bailout ... if you were against it, would you want either of those men to be your international representation as President? I wouldn't. They both suck and they don't represent me. New Hampshire residents are known to take politics very seriously as a responsibility... so take responsibility and think about what it means when both candidates are for something the majority of people are against. And the same goes for war and occupation: carefully examine Obama/McCain war platforms and you'll find there's not much difference at all. In fact, Obama has far more occupational plans than McCain, odd as that might sound (read their platforms on their websites for clarification, or email me for details and clarification.)

USA citizens tried so hard to stop this bailout bill... New Hampshire had so much activism going on, it was hard to keep up with all of it.

In the end, though, after countless phonecalls, emails and personal appeals... the two Senators from New Hampshire, both Republicans, voted for the bailout bill, and the two members of Congress representing New Hampshire, both Democrats, voted against it. What irony. None the less, it did pass... and in the passing of it, a decision made for me, my husband and my children in regards to our ties to the Federal union.

I'd already been thinking about and investigating, in the legal ways possible, a relinquishing of ties to the United States of America and becoming fully sovereign. My father and I had been looking into this, before he passed away last year:
- it's achievable, but a detailed and extremely serious process. Not to be done lightly or on a whim or out of fear (which is why I've been studying the idea for over 3 years now.)

But, as happens often in this lifetime of mine ... on the eve of the bailout bill vote, I got a phonecall that resulted in me learning about something I did not know about, and now the steps Kenny and I will be taking are clear to us. We're excited, and relieved... I thought sure we'd have to go the 'no nation' route as mentioned in the Sovereign Manifesto, but as it turns out, there is an alternative to that. Sovereignty can be achieved for our family in such a way that we are still a part of the USA, just not on the federal level, which is the main objective for me now - to protect freedom and liberty, and to honor the law of the creator of the universe and eternal life, for myself and my children and my family - we must do what we can to abide by natural laws and principles.

I can not allow my family to be subjected to the kind of tyranny now imposed, and I refuse to be a part of such corruption. We will be relinquishing ties, peacefully and morally, legally and politically, to the United States of America. We are starting that process within the next few weeks. More on that in 2009, when it's complete. I strongly suggest each and every member of my family, as well as friends, move quickly to New Hampshire and start the process yourselves. I know most of you won't - but I know some of you contemplate it. It is my hope that someday one state will secede from the union, protecting an entire population and then leading by example, allowing other states to follow, living by the principles and natural law - but, until that time comes, it's vital to take steps now to find ways to protect your well being.

The government can not and will not protect you - it does not abide by principles or the rule of law anymore. The next few years of our lives here on Earth will demonstrate the importance of personal responsibility and good will towards mankind (not through force of government, but through voluntary actions) and why this unsustainable system is the most immoral and illogical system ever pressured onto an entire globe. What is happening right now, in your lifetime, is a collapse of a global empire... it is not just here in the USA. It is freedom versus slavery... it is right versus wrong. It is logic versus the illogical.

I am very connected, in unity, to the whole of mankind... but I, personally, refuse to allow any government to be a broker for my love, respect and concern of and for each and every individual on this planet Earth. I don't need government, or want government, to manage or mandate my connections... they/it have proven themselves/itself to be incapable of basic common sense, true compassion and good will towards mankind. I'm done trying to fix it on the federal level - it is in a drowning stage now, and I won't be sticking around to be pulled under with it, nor will my family. We are not your collateral. We are not your property. We are not your tools. Our solemn compact is with the creator of mankind and his laws, which you swore an oath to uphold, and then didn't.

Goodbye, United States of America. 1776 - 2008 RIP ... although, I'd actually put the date of death in June of 2005, it's just been on life support systems since then.

Good luck to all of us... get closer to your creator and the principles of freedom and liberty, because the road ahead has some pretty interesting bumps on it. Better have some good wheels, suspensions and alignments, or each bump will give you whiplash.

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