Friday, May 02, 2008

some extra random thoughts:

1. seperation of church and state does not mean seperation of government/law and the founding principles of everyone being born equal in terms of the rights to life, liberty, property and the pursuit/seeking and obtaining of happiness.

2. All laws and all government functions must be held up to the rights and principles, and if they do not meet the criteria, and strictly follow the guidelines, they are repugnant to the Constitution(s) and void.

3. If enough people start questioning things, and seeking logical truth and facts, they will always end up right back at the principles of the Constitution(s) of the USA, the state constitutions, and then Jesus Christ himself - and then, armed with the facts, demand and take action to get the change they want and need in order to survive.

4. When one's survival is at stake, you reach that point of questioning things and seeking truth a helluva lotta quicker - this is probably what led so many men and women in our military to come to the facts and truth about Ron Paul (and themselves, regarding their oath to protect the Constitution/sovereignty of the USA and NOT the government itself) and as a result, donated more to Ron Paul than Clinton, Obama and McCain combined, when 4th Quarter tallies were added up.

5. We, The People, always win these battles between world domination and personal freedom, liberty and individuality. History shows this, time and time again... there will be a struggle to get there, again, but, logically, the end result is already known - slavery and dictatorship don't follow the laws of the land, the laws of the universe, the laws of reality and logic and true compassion and so, eventually, slavery and dictatorships get abolished. It don't get any more simpler than that - I almost feel sorta compassionately sympathetic to the 'well educated' maniacs that really believe they are gonna get their 'one world government' because for all that money and 'superior education' they have received/taken/enjoyed, they simply do not see the flaws in their plan, and their happiness (they wrongly believe) relies on this plan coming to fruition... when ego gets to that point, when its void of principles and logic, self destruction and mistakes start snowballin' - as we witness now every day.

I wish them no harm, but I do wish they'd work on looking at things from a Constitutional and logical angle... cuz in the meantime, lots of folks suffer for their attempts at 'ruling the world.'

Some of them must get those moments of reflection, where they question what they are doing... hopefully some of them figure it out and help speed up the process of talking some common sense into the noggins of some of the ego-stricken elders who can't seem to understand things from a human and principled perspective.

We always win anyways - those principles always win. It's the human spirit - it's just not inclined to remain enslaved. It's basic biology -

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