Monday, April 21, 2008

Today I raked about 1/4 of the yard... it's a big yard, with so, so many plants all over the place. When I finished raking, i walked around the property to see what area I should do tomorrow, and I came across this pretty tree right near my driveway and garage... nice, big white flowers in bloom - sorta reminds me of Elizabeth's tree in front of her house on Cape Cod. I'll have to ask her if it's the same type.

I smell like leaves and earth and pollen. I could have raked some more, but some huge bugs were starting to attack me. Not sure what kind - whenever I turned to see what was coming at me, they quickly darted away - stealth bugs of some type, and they target humans raking. No stingers, just bonking me on the head, making a loud 'bzzzt' sound, outta my view.

There's a great open space under the back deck I want to put all my gardening stuff at. Hope to clear it out this weekend - not much in there, but it's gonna be a little project. I'm not sure I'll get my seeds planted before May, but hopefully there will be some cool nights up here to help them along.

This yard has a lotta little gardens going in it already. The woman who lived here before us is going to come show me what is where, and what is what, the first week of May. I need to make a map of the yard, so that I can write down what stuff is when she tells me.

Here's a video to a very sad song - I probably should stop listening to it.

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