Thursday, December 20, 2007

The internet is a funny place... recently, somebody has (again) taken to using an old nickname of mine, previously used on an old forum, to start posting anti-government rants in all-caps on, of all places, a Detroit newspaper website! Check this out:

and a cut and paste:
Author Message
Topic: Granholm sees hope as lawmakers work toward resolu

Replies: 294
Views: 13574
Forum: Michigan Posted: Thu Sep 27, 2007 7:58 pm Subject: IDIOTS

I laughed ... but this is one example of how and why it's very tricky out here in cyberspace to be certain the person behind the monitor is 'who you think it is.' Apparently, this particular person knows me from the previous (and possibly the current) forum I post on for political debate, and I'm sometimes politically misunderstood to have a 'shut down all government' attitude. For the record, that's not my mindset or mindframe at all in regards to government. Although in Detroit, Michigan, I'm sure there are some people who feel and think that way... or perhaps just one person somewhere out there in the world who wants to give the impression that I personally think and feel that way.

I'm sure there's other uses of other nicknames I use out there on various forums, using this same method of hyper-anarchist 'voice', when actually I'm all for a small government that just simply follows the state and federal constitutions. I also know that not all in government are "idiots, losers, rejects."

Anyways... this reminded me of some years ago when I came across some posts by another former nickname of mine "BagOfEyebrows" which also weren't written by me... so be careful out here in cyberspace, people, because what you see isn't always who you think. ;)

While I am prone to political rants, they are usually 4 or 5 paragraphs long, with all-caps off, and often filled with a crapload of emoticons and cuss words (I post on an uncensored forum.) It's where I get my anger out, let my brain fly free, speak my mind in my mind's voice, so that when I'm offline I can temper it in order to be easier on the ears.

Once again, I want to let family and friends know that if you ever come across anything that you think possibly was written by me out here in cyberpsace, and it's something that concerns you (as I can see this particular use of my nickname would cause concern for some family/friends), just call me or email me and you will get a yes or no flat out and know for sure - hopefully most family and friends would be able to recognize that this particular use of my online nickname was void of my 'voice', but because some folks are easily fooled (which the user of my nickname was counting on), it's important for you to know the kinds of shenanigans that take place out here on the internet.

Hopefully, with all the new laws passed regarding anti-government sentiments, the CIA, FBI and Homeland Security have delved into the IP of the person who 'trolled' using my nickname and noted that the IP address didn't match up to mine! But just in case our government 'intelligence' resources fell for this online prank (hey, they accidently got us into a war based on this same 'intelligence'), I just wanted to state, for the record, that I did not post that stuff to Detroit Free Press, check the IPs to be sure before you falsely arrest me and waterboard me, okay? :D

Happy holidays. :)

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