Thursday, November 22, 2007

Happy Thanksgiving, Dad... I wish you were here to see how great the campaign is going for the man you spoke with me about in January of this year. It is global.

I miss you so much. Each day is in honor of your good political advice and patience with me during our numerous political debates. Thank you for taking the time to talk with me about the things you had figured out - and for giving me the blessing of stength through knowledge. To question everything. To conclude only when I have given all sides a fair chance to explain.

Thank you for those six weeks with you, where even with your own death on the horizon, you gave to me so many gifts for my own future sunrises.

Thank you for making me laugh, for letting me cry, for being my dad.

I am so very thankful, dad.

Were you still alive, I would have linked you to this video, too:

Our emails this year would have been, were you here, filled with the growing hope of actually winning back our country - oh, dad, I wish you could be a part of this, I wish it could have happened in your lifetime. You'd be so amazed ... it is so inspiring. It is so beautiful - I want to be able to say to you "See, dad, I told you the masses are a lot smarter than we are led to believe!"

In honor of you, dad, every day, for the rest of my life, a solid conviction and a dedication to logical action.

Thanks again, dad. :)

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