Thursday, September 06, 2007

One thing I don't get about Main-Stream-Media, in regards to Ron Paul's run for presidency... MSM being the huge newspapers who have responded to dwindling paper-subscription bases by trying to make the news more 'interactive' by asking people to email their leads/comments and/or pictures of rogue 'on the spot' reporting of major events, and the TV stations like MSNBC, CNN and FOX news, CBS, ABC, NBC, the 'big players' in this national arena of "news", if the people of the internet are so inconsequential to MSM and if the users of the internet don't reflect 'the voice of the people', why has the MSM gone out of its way over the years to embrace and entice them... to include blog posts and viewer comments/emails posted to these news websites, why over the years the increase in showings of youtube videos, online polls, and an overall interest in the 'internet users' when it comes to any other national event and even a 'fair and balanced' acknowledgement that the internet has changed the way we think, feel, discuss, debate and respond to the "news" in general... why with Ron Paul is it considered 'invalid'?

Why try to connect to this facet of humankind if you don't consider it a real, tangible, honest reflection of our times? Why mock it? Why lie to it and about it?

This is why your viewerships will continue to falter, today's (and yesterday's) generation won't put up with this kind of blatant manipulation of the facts... because the internet has changed everything, including your ability to lie to the 'masses'.

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