Friday, July 06, 2007

Something so cool and full of irony and incredible coincidence happened recently, it almost makes me wonder if it was my dad's way of giving us all a smile.

There were many, many books at my dad's house, and I kept some of them and gave the rest to family. Out of the ones I kept, there was an autographed copy of a book about New Bedford's Acushnet Avenue. My dad had a lot of books about the history of local areas and points of interest, but this one on Acushnet Avenue was special to me because Kenny and I first met on Acushnet Avenue when he bought a booklet of poetry from me - it would be five or six years later before we actually dated and then married, but the initial meeting took place there. Actually, now that I think about it, all 3 (or maybe it's 5...) 'major' relationships in my life actually have an origin of Acushnet Avenue in New Bedford. :stunned at realization:

So anyways, I put all of the books on local areas in the bathroom, so we could actualy read them (often, the only time we have to read books is when we're in the bathroom.) Well, a few weeks ago Kenny got to the Acushnet Avenue book and came outta the bathroom holding it open to a certain page with a picture on it. "This is my grandfather!" he said. I looked at the photo and could see the guy in the picture had a Camille look to him. "We should ask my mom to be sure," he said, so that's what we did this 4th of July at a family gathering, and sure enough, it is Kenny's grandpa (father's side) ! :) It's a picture of the Portuguese Feast, and his paternal grandpa is at the skewer-filled marinated meat section awaiting an order of some of the finest tasting cooking in the WORLD.

So, I'm making a bunch of 8X10 glossies of this picture and sending one out to Ken's dad, and some for local family members. I never got to meet Kenny's grandpa, he was gone before there was a chance, but it's good to have a photo of him, and it's even better that the picture of him comes from a book on the place his grandson and I met. :)

Something about the whole thing just makes me smile. Lightens up my heavy heart in a year that has been the massive, royal suck. The little groovy things that happen along the way keep me sane. Keep me smiling. Keep me hopeful.

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