Saturday, September 23, 2006

... been an interesting week of wins and losses here. In the winning department, I came in first place at a cribbage tournament on Wednesday night. That was great, I won $60.00! :)

Meant to spend it at a sale at Goodwill (thrift store, I love 2nd-hand clothes), but I had the wrong date for the sale, it was last weekend. I was sorta bummed out about that, but then a friend came up from Florida unexpectedly, so on Sunday I'll use my winning cash to get some potatoes and salad ingredients, along with a nice dessert, and maybe a bottle of wine, to go along with the haddock we're broiling up for a nice Sunday dinner there.

Now for the weird loss of the week... although, it wasn't so much a loss as it was a 'taken'. The cache we made for geocaching, which I posted pictures of here on the blog not long ago, was muggled (the geocaching term for 'stolen'.) In the strangest way, I almost feel like our cache being taken is a badge of Geocaching honor... the odds of somebody taking a clearly marked container are actually pretty low. That somebody found our cache, read the note explaining what it was and why leaving it there would be a nice thing to do, and took the whole cache anyways ... the odds aren't that high of it happening, cuz most folks are pretty cool about stuff like that.

And we beat those odds, the moment our cache got muggled. :)

I think about the person who took it out of the park... and wonder what they plan to do with 2 water squirters, a wooden giraffe, and a bunch of paperbags marked for geocaching trash pickup. They also got some Better Crocker points. And a log book... that's the only thing I wish I could have back. :( I was very much looking forward to seeing what people wrote in it, although I do have the website's comments about the cache, and that can't be muggled. Before the cache's disappearance, it had been found four or five times. People liked the park we brought them to... and we're planning to put another cache back in the park within the next few weeks. The way I figure it, even if this new cache gets muggled, we'll just keep replacing it. No big loss, and kinda comical in its own goofy way. I'll try to find a better hiding spot, although I kinda liked the way we had this one set up... nestled up in a tree, where the branches hugged it closely and securely.

Maybe we'll add some camoflage to the new cache.

I'm off today to help out with something in Bourne, at a Scallop Festival. It's sorta looking like rain out there, but the festival has tents, from what I hear.

When I get home from the Scallop Festival, there's a cellar that has to be reorganized, as a lot of stuff got moved to down there during the painting of the main part of the house. The boys also have to go through a bunch of old toys down there, so that tomorrow when Kenny hits the dump he can drop off the toys in the Salvation Army bin, or in the part of the dump where you can put gently-used items for people to take if they want them. We get a lot of old books that way, because they have a shed where people drop off unwanted magazines and books. I think they also have a section for toys, but if not, the Salvation Army bin will do.

Lately, I've been listening to this song a lot...

It's such a pretty song. Reminds me of so many different aspects of my life, of people in my life, including myself. I've been listening to it throughout the morning, as well as while writing this blog post. Sometimes I get stuck on a song like that.

KC's bird Patrik just flew over to me and landed on my head. :)

I'm off to get ready for the festival.

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