Thursday, March 02, 2006

Today a steady snow has been falling since this afternoon. No wind, just snowflakes falling from the sky, covering the trees and roads... everything was covered within an hour, and now it looks like a good five inches is out there. It's very pretty, and when Winter came home from school, he said "it is so quiet outside," and went back out on the porch after he tossed his backpack inside. He stood there just listening to the snow fall. I went outside with him after a few moments, and it was very nice to hear nothing but snow falling softly. It was literally *that quiet* outside, you could hear the bigger flakes hitting the ground now and then. About an hour later, KC did the same thing, on the back porch. He wasn't in the room here when Winter got home, had no idea we'd listened to the snow earlier, but he literally went onto the back porch (in just his socks! :o ) and enjoyed that peaceful sound of quiet snowfall. :)

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