Monday, January 31, 2005

I finally finished a wedding video I've been working on for months. Kenny and I spent many hours troubleshooting, many months went by with no success... but yesterday, after a final seven hour edit of a music video compilation piece I put together for the bride and groom (Kenny showed me how to insert audio, itsamiracle and scudderbug from FC helped me with some other technical issues), it is finally finished and online. To see the video, click the 'play video' to the right of the picture HERE.

We'll be putting the wedding itself (fully editted now) on dvds for the couple, along with this music video compilation. Amy and Ray saw it online and loved it! There were days I wondered if Kenny and I were ever going to get the project done... it was so nice to work on it yesterday and have everything go so right. I loved the look on Kenny's face when he saw that I'd not only finished it but got it online... he looked like I looked (re: stunned and happy). hahaha... It's a great way to start this week... with a project situated and a heart so happy.

I'm back on the short-sleep phase, mostly because my mind wakes up at night trying to figure out anything else I can do. Last night I fell asleep around half past midnight and woke up at three thirty a.m. this morning... wide awake, and with a desire to read some more information about Nikki's situation. Sometimes in the quiet of the morning I can read for two and three hours straight. It was so pretty this morning as the dawn sky was a pale white, just like the snow on the ground. Each time I glanced over to the sliding door window it seemed as if I was looking at a black and white old film version of daybreak. There's not a single color other than white, black, gray and dark brown outside that window right now.

Here's some photos of the snow... side of the yard near the trampoline, looking out the front window, looking out the sliding door window to the back yard, our front door which we could not open with the weight of the drift and a close up shot of the largest snow drift which was in the back yard. I also got this close up shot of the wind blown snow... am hoping at some point to get a small video I captured at the height of the storm put online (most likely on the same website the wedding video is on.)

Some poetry for Marvin, from Paula Nancy Millstone Jennings...

quite quietly
love evolves
morfing from
heat and hearts
words and swords
strength and, uh, grenths

and grins
and begins
to win again, to win again
to love again, you will

soft footsteps
hugs and guhs
dam the mad
surfing is best on waves of you...

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