Tuesday, November 02, 2004

For the very first time in my life, yep, I voted. For Badnarik. I tried to mobog it but that site is having technical difficulties.

It was held at a church. I'm agnostic. The sky was a pale autumn blue, and the steeple of the church looked amazing against that backdrop. A large tree was delicately letting go of fall leaves, one by one, in a musical pattern played by the ocean winds. There were CRAPLOADS of people there. Everyone was smiling. Everyone looked alert. I heard a lot of laughing and saw a lot of people talking politics and life after voting.

I voted at exactly 11:30 a.m.

I was the 943 person to vote at the church on 6A. The stats on my area can be found at this link and in the cut and pasted section I am putting in italics: http://www.sustaincapecod.org/SIR03/SocCivic.htm

The number of permanent Cape Cod residents aged 18 or older who were eligible to vote increased by approximately 20% between 1990 and 2000, from 147,375 in 1990 to 176,790 in 2000. The number who actually registered to vote increased by approximately 42%, from approximately 117,000 in 1990 to 166,007 in 2000.

Although voter eligibility and registration have risen, voter participation in town elections has decreased dramatically since 1990. While participation in individual town elections varies depending on local issues and races, the overall voting rate is plummeting. The average turnout in Barnstable County town elections in fell from 39.4% in 1990 to 22.2% in 2002 (Figure 1).

This trend is reflected in statewide elections as well. Barnstable County’s participation in statewide elections declined from 75% in 1994 to 64% in 2002, as seen in Figure 2. Across the Commonwealth, the voter turnout in statewide elections has also declined from 71% in 1990 to 56% in 2002.

However, there is one positive note to report: voter participation in Barnstable County exceeds the statewide average in these elections.

I have been a registered voter for many, many years. This was my first vote. I have never felt confident about any candidate before Badnarik. I feel confident I voted for the right person and I will sleep with a clear mind and heart tonight, having voted for the man I feel would best run this country, even though the odds are that he will not win.

And if you haven't voted yet... please consider the Libertarian party. www.lp.org

If you are stuck and can't decide between Bush and Kerry, consider voting for the Libertarian party so you can tell people tomorrow "I voted for the man that loves, understands and respects America the most."

Here's a picture of the voting ballot:

and here's the instructions taped to the wall in front of me:


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