Thursday, September 02, 2004

my surreal life... after a day that by 1:00 p.m. had been in the top ten of 'worst days of my life', Kenny comes home an hour later to share the great news... a promotion at work along with a tremendous pay raise. And his boss bought him a very cool football enclosed in a case.

Meanwhile, I'm trying to regain my mental composure and not allow myself to be sucked into the sensual world of insanity. I plan to read all five Erma Bombeck books I recently got from an auction at before the end of September; if humor of that caliber doesn't help, nothing will. I also got 4 of the same Erma Bombeck books for Nikki to read... I'm hoping it will help her see that even families without the disabilities she has still have hard days where things just go wrong.

This has been a very, very, very fucked up week, now that I sit here and think about it... filled with extreme moments on opposite ends of positive and negative.

Negative: Magellan's extreme incompetence as a 3rd party vendor; they are going to get Blue Cross in craploads of trouble legally.

Positive: 2nd place in a cribbage tournament

Negative: Nikki's condition and situation

Positive: Kenny gets promoted, large pay raise

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