Monday, August 23, 2004

Today we're going to the Zooquarium, about a five minute drive from here. Word got out that we were going... so there's 5 other kids coming... this oughta be interesting. 8 kids and me at an aquarium... zoinks!

The library has free passes to this place which we're picking up in about an hour. The pass is good for four people, I think, so the rest of the kids are bringing money to get in. It should be a fantastic time. : )

We're heading to the Cape Cod Museum of Natural History tomorrow:
We've gone to this place quite a lot the past few years. I think only 2 kids are going with us tomorrow, but there might be more if Nikki's friends want to come.

Next weekend we're checking out Nauset Light, a lighthouse that has a nearby park with the 3 sister lighthouses. Winter found the place on a map earlier this year, and he's even more excited to go now that I told him about bringing a picnic blanket and a frisbee to relax and play in the park a while.

The kids are starting to fight now behind me... why is it no matter how many fun plans you make for kids there's always some arguing over the most craziest things? This blowout was over the television... there's 5 televisions in this house and only 3 kids. I point this out to them every time, but nobody seems to understand... this arguing over the television happens at least once a month! And each time it ends the same way... I let it go until it's obvious the arguing isn't going to stop and then I just say "no tvs for an hour, all tvs off." This method has seemed to work... they used to argue over the televisions once a day, then it went down to once a week. When they can get it down to once a year, I think we'll have met an important goal.

The kids go back to school in about 2 weeks. As much fun as this summer has been going, I am looking forward to that first day of complete quiet and calm. ; )

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