Monday, August 02, 2004

One thing about cyberspace that continues to amaze me is how much easier and user friendly sites are getting. They say the dot com days are over... I think they are actually just starting. What happened in the beginning was just a rushing to the stage. Now things get more organized. Now things get brighter. Now things get more interesting.

Today I spent about an hour just updating info on some websites we use for a variety of things, and I was so happy to see the sites had gotten better (as well as the customer service). More and more people in our lives are using the internet as a tool to make life easier and more efficient... and part of the reason that is possible is because some site owners finally realized that not everyone wants to take the time (re: inclination) to learn html or other commands to prompt things... once you make cyberspace as simple as selecting what you want to do and just doing it, one click and done sorta stuff, that's when people can get what they want from the internet. Because as it stood, cyberspace was like trying to bake an apple pie and someone insisting you had to learn how to grow apples first. Or wanting to go fishing at a lake, and somebody telling you it's important you know every single variety of fish in that particular pond or you won't be able to fish there.

Most of the rest of my morning was spent on the phone with just about every agency in the state of Massachusetts. Health related stuff, chair delivery, banks... thank gosh for cordless phones, I was able to get laundry done, along with sorting out the house, as I spent a good portion of my time on hold... with no hold music. Was hold music recently banned? It was so strange to be on hold with no Barry Manilow tunes playing.

Winter and I are tracking soon-to-be Hurricane Alex. What a fast-forming storm it was... it's not looking to effect the Cape Cod area, aside from ocean waves might be a little bigger, but I do suspect we will experience a hurricane of some strength this summer. Way, way, way over-due. Hurricane Bob was the last one Massachusetts had.

Wow... time flies. Nikki was only 4 when that hit. She's turning 17 this December.

KC's football practice got cancelled tonight, and suspended until August 16th. Some little known rule about not being able to practice until 30 days before the first game. Not sure why they would have that rule, don't pro-football players practice year round? It's good exercise... KC has lost a pound a day since he started. He's looking forward to getting back to practice.

He looks so grown up in his football uniform. Every time I see him in it, my heart leaps and I feel like I could burst into a dance, or tears... he just keeps growing up on me, more and more each day, and I keep wishing life had a pause button. Or slow-motion. So fast... so fast... so fast.

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