Wednesday, August 25, 2004

I think it's possible our thoughts, like wireless data transmissions, can react like dos attacks if we think them too strongly or deeply. From a scientific standpoint, this would be similar to the difference between water and air... both have force and can move and be moved, transported and humanly manipulated. Sometimes I find if I'm thinking too *loudly*, I will have problems with my computer. Not always, but occasionally enough to note it.

Such as this thought, which seemed to get stuck in cyberspace's throat: the space of time I spent proving love exists, she has spent hers proving that it does not and leaving us to deal with the wreckages.

I posted that yesterday to my blog... it never showed up.

Well, to make this short... if you want to bring out the worst in people, you can. And it's not very hard to bring sexual deviancy to the surface of anyone, because it is so surface.

But why do people do this to each other and themselves? Because I feel it's just as easy to bring out the best in somebody as it is to bring out the worst in them. But as I study human nature more and more it appears that on almost every level of society there does not seem to be a concensus of desire to bring people up to the best they are, but a desire to bring people down to some medium level of numbness. Or to lift them up so high they are at a dangerous level to fall from... and, whoosh, yanking of rugs out from under them. Or, a desire to push people down lower, kicking the crippled. I'm seeing it in entertainment, in religion, in government, on every continent and region. Stepping back and wondering about this for a few days now. What it means, how it can be changed, and then I keep getting this feeling that perhaps the only thing worth studying and giving energy to are things like documenting discoveries of a scientific nature, because it is within those discoveries that people seem to flourish and be the best they are and actually hope good things for each other. Maybe if more people just started spreading the word about scientific studies like those going on in the ocean, in space, and other areas that don't seem to have the stigma of negativeness attached to them... or if something could be presented on a global scale as needing everyone to be involved in some fashion. Some project, some study... some investigation of life. Something that shows our connections to each other.

Something that illuminates the wireless connnections we have to each other and to those things around us, on Earth and space.

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